
American Royals Quotes

American Royals by Katharine McGee

American Royals Quotes
"We have much to learn by looking back. Never forget where you come from."
"The first woman who would be queen in her own right: not a queen consort, married to a king, but a true queen regnant."
"The throne would pass to the oldest child, not the oldest boy."
"Your mother and I were hoping that you might start searching for a partner. For that person you’ll spend your life with."
"My dad and Beatrice have to knight each of the candidates for nobility, individually, in alphabetical order."
"Long ago, monarchies existed so that the people could serve the monarch. Now the monarch must serve the people."
"From this day forward, I grant you the honors and dignities of a Knight Defender of the Realm."
"I am Beatrice Georgina Fredericka Louise of the House of Washington, future Queen of America, and I have a duty to uphold."
"Relationships never make sense from the outside; the only people qualified to weigh in on them are the people in them."
"It’s a dance. You can enjoy it, not attack it."
"It was a lot of intricate choreography, just for a bagel."
"Sorry that it happened, or sorry you never bothered to text me afterward?"
"Sorry isn’t a magic eraser that undoes whatever wrong thing you did!"
"A monarch must be seen by his people, all his people, in order to truly be believed."
"You can’t just say sorry and expect everything to be the way it was, not when people have been hurt."
"I am the lantern of honor and truth, the light against the darkness."
"In life and limb, to live or die, I swear to guard this realm and its Crown."
"We aren’t doing anything yet. If you’re going to break the rules, Connor, then go ahead and break them."
"We could just—I don’t know, walk away and pretend it never happened—"
"We aren’t supposed to be doing this, yet a catch of vulnerability in Connor’s tone, beneath the layers of sarcasm, gave her pause."
"It’s good to see you, Jefferson." It felt strange, talking to him in such a stilted way, as if they barely knew each other—worse even than when they’d first started dating, all those years ago.
"You know how it is," he said, with a laugh. I do know, Daphne thought furiously.
"It’s just a press call. We’ve both seen our fair share of them," she said easily.
"I’d say this beats being in Urquhart’s lecture right now," Ethan drawled, sliding closer on his snowboard.
"You think I don’t want this too?" Connor’s voice was ragged. "God, Bee, it’s all I’ve thought about for the better part of a year!"
"There’s the Beatrice I know." He gave a wry smile, then let out a breath. "But I am scared. I’m scared of losing you, of somehow hurting you. Most of all I’m afraid of failing you."
"I’m sorry. Just—forget I ever said anything."
"Congratulations, It would appear that I owe you a dare."
"Please, don’t let me scare you off. There’s plenty of room."
"You probably need the hot tub more than I do, after that wipeout."
"Sorry to break it to you, but you aren’t boring or lazy enough to just exist."
"I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I’m sure no other boy ever made you skulk around like this."
"You’re not even pretty or nice enough to make homecoming court."
"The truth is, I’ve enjoyed getting to know your sister. I really admire her."
"You’ve already lectured me about deciding what to do with my life! So now I’m asking you the same question. Is this really what you want—to marry Beatrice?"
"Everyone has a choice, Teddy. And you, apparently, choose this."
"You’ll be forced to set aside your own desires to support Beatrice. She will be in the limelight and in the driver’s seat, not you."
"Because. A friendship is supposed to be equal, and absolutely nothing about our friendship has ever been equal."
"The point of forgiveness is to recognize that someone has hurt you, and to still love them in spite of it."
"The only people free from censure are people who’ve never taken a stand."
"I often wonder how it must feel, to blindly ask for help like that—to just write a letter to the king and await his answer."
"Opposition is crucial to government, like oxygen to fire."
"Beatrice will count on you for the unvarnished truth. I expect you to give her your support when she’s earned it and your criticism when she deserves it. That’s what siblings are for, after all."
"The early years! When they were teenagers, King Edward III used the Black Prince and John of Gaunt for different political purposes. They were close siblings who clearly trusted each other and were able to divide up the work in a way that made sense."
"You will sometimes have to serve as a lightning rod: to handle all the negativity and jealousy that people don’t dare show Beatrice. But you already know that."
"As head of state, Beatrice won’t be able to take on any charitable causes. She can’t demonstrate personal preference like that. But you can."
"You’re a force of nature, Sam. When you’re being yourself, you’re our family’s secret weapon."
"It’s logged right here—you called later that afternoon to cancel. You said you’d found something else that you liked more."
"You can’t want Jeff like an ordinary man and ignore his positions and titles. If you don’t know that, then you’re a fool."
"I have been struggling for years to be perfect enough for the royal family. Do you have any idea how hard it’s been?"
"There is no way you and the prince can ever have a future together, Nina. You’re skating on melting ice."
"I thought I needed to give you the benefit of my experience, when all along I needed you to give me the benefit of your inexperience."
"She can’t afford to think too closely about the import of her words, or she might actually faint."
"I told her that I was with someone else now."
"You think your mom and I don’t know how it feels, being told that we aren’t good enough, that we don’t belong?"
"Don’t be afraid to push back against your opposition."
"I'm so proud of you, Beatrice. You are incredibly smart, and wise beyond your years."
"It wasn’t about me, Beatrice. If I was the only person you had to convince, you would already have my blessing."
"The last thing she wanted was for Jefferson to feel pursued."