
Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover The Healing Power Of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy Quotes

Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover The Healing Power Of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy by Brian L. Weiss

Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover The Healing Power Of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy Quotes
"The most important part of us, our soul, lives forever."
"Our souls have lived before and will live again. That is our immortality."
"The soul certainly exists outside of the physical body, and it makes connections not only to the other lifetimes of the person it just departed but to all other souls."
"The soul is timeless. Ultimately, there is probably just one soul, one energy."
"Our souls choose our parents, for our impulse is to continue the learning process so we can proceed toward healing."
"Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s place—to feel their feelings, to be in their situation, to see through their eyes."
"The earth life is a gift. It is a school to learn how love manifests in the physical dimensions where bodies and emotions exist."
"In every aspect of our lives we can choose to make the loving decision, and by doing so, our souls will evolve."
"The sins of our own pasts will haunt our presents until we can understand them and earn absolution."
"The school has many playgrounds, and those need to be used. The physical life is meant to be enjoyed."
"I’m a mess. My whole life’s down the tubes. Fix me."
"Because I’ve seen my future. I’ve seen it in my dreams."
"The audience begins to cheer, not only my parents but all of them."
"I’m too late. The infection has overwhelmed the poor mother’s defenses."
"I love my patients, every one of them, and when one of them dies, I die with them."
"You don’t need those hypocrites to show you the way to Him."
"The future was great. How bad can the past be?"
"My job is to change my level of consciousness and learn techniques of energy manipulation in order to transform matter."
"To be a man in that time, to have no money and no hope—that was awful."
"People in love don’t go in much for abandonment, do they?"
"My world is ancient and yours is very young, yet the difference is as nothing in the scope of time."
"Every day I hear about it from patients and from colleagues doing similar work."
"How can you mature if you don’t see the process at work?"
"Loving kindness is a profound spiritual concept, but there is profundity, too, in a butterfly’s beauty."
"You are not a human being having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual being having a human experience."
"Believe me, there is no more inspiring journey."
"The purpose is to become free, not to chain yourself to the process."
"Each soul I attended in that hospital, belonging to those whose bodies had perished before mine, send me their blessings and their love, compounding my joy."
"The past must be remembered and then forgotten. Let it go."
"The human mind is a creative masterpiece; by giving it rein, it can transport us to the heights of joy."
"The power of prayer on healing has also been documented—not only one’s own prayers and prayers by family and friends but the prayers of strangers."
"What lies beyond is not darkness but light, for I am where love is, and love is light."
"We live in a community of souls, and we have to perform good deeds within that community."