
Hidden Bodies Quotes

Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes

Hidden Bodies Quotes
"Roses are for people who did something wrong. I have done everything right this time around."
"You can’t go back and alter the past, but you can go forward, become a person who remembers."
"You know, most of the people who go to those schools, they are psycho because they spend their whole childhoods trying to get into those schools. They can’t live in the moment."
"Everything can wait when you have love in your life."
"Your life is supposed to expand. Your bed is supposed to have enough room for someone else."
"You can’t control what other people do. You can only control your thoughts."
"I see now that she suffered from borderline personality disorder. You can’t fix that."
"The world’s full of dreamers; Do you have friends looking?"
"It’s possible here to literally leave your past behind."
"There is no such thing as a one-night stand. Sometimes, what you do for one night destroys your future."
"You get so intense. That gets your cortisol going. Cortisol is not cool."
"It’s like getting pulled over for not using your blinker and I could kill Calvin."
"The world is too extreme with Delilah and her lack of self-respect and Amy with her big fat ego."
"Love is patient but also, mainly, above all—yes—Love is perverted."
"I don’t need twenty-five thousand dollars. Of anything."
"This is why people go west, smashing rocks and hoping to spot something shimmering in the creek."
"Life is cruel and the word love shouldn’t be plastered all over the fucking place."
"I thought I was done, that it was over, but my beating heart and shaking hands tell me it’s not."
"You have to understand my sister. She is deeply, profoundly, erotically, supremely, wholly sexual."
"Everyone has a beginning, but you are the guy who knew how it ended."
"In LA, I blow off my boss over text and get this in return: Dude I think I smoked too much weed whoa peace out talk soon."
"I will not think about Amy. I will not worry about Amy. I will not beat myself up."
"But then Robert Frost wasn’t fucking around and there is a new nip in the air, an increasingly noticeable one."
"It's the little things that make you want to kill someone."
"You don’t belong here unless you’re tough, beautiful, or talented."
"We Angelenos are not served. We are not protected."
"Everyone has something. Some people have a difficult child and some people have a sick child and some people have a limp and some people have an impossible mother and there is nobody on earth who has nothing."
"I knew that her vagina was for me and now I know her mouth was made for me too."
"I am happy. I am here. All the fear inside of me has been sublimated by the joy of love."
"This is my success and I put up with 'Boots and Puppies' and I spent all those days at Intelligentsia and Taco Bell and I did earn it."
"You don’t really get to go to the park and relocate a tree. You don’t get to take nature into your hands when you live in concrete."
"Sometimes, one must die so that the other can live. Biology isn’t sentimental."
"The sweetest thing in life is to be alone, as you were born, as you will die, soaking in the sun, knowing that you put the cactus in the right place."
"Imagine what she could do with the power, the power I’m giving to her by doing away with him."
"We read each other’s shit. There was no deal. A deal is what I have with Megan."
"You can’t be in this cemetery without shrooms."
"All the money and all the fame, it’s nothing without love."
"I have eyes on a lot of people. That’s not my only file."
"I drink my milkshake. Get it? Like, you think I’m drinking your milkshake but see, the chef knows, the waitress knows. They know what’s up."
"Love isn't enough, Joe. It isn't nearly enough. I want more."
"You think LA is a hard place, Calvin. I think it wishes we would all disappear and it’s more of a miracle when people don’t."
"Life is valued based upon what one has already done."
"Forty Quinn knew that love is all there is; everything else is transient, impermanent."