
Billy Summers Quotes

Billy Summers by Stephen King

Billy Summers Quotes
"I don’t think writers who talk a lot probably don’t write a lot."
"When you work for a start-up law firm, you have to watch your nickels and dimes."
"If I hit it big, I’ll just come down the hall and knock on your door."
"If this place was a TV show, they’d call it The Young Lawyers."
"You can use it if you want to, but this baby… all the bells and whistles."
"I think writers who talk a lot probably don’t write a lot."
"I might take you up on that. I’m planning a trip to Wally World myself."
"He said it is my nature to sting and you knew I was a scorpion when you let me ride on your back."
"Sooner or later bad people do bad things, even a kid knows that."
"I thought what did you think was going to happen. He hit us before just like he hit you so what did you think would happen."
"I know how that sounds, but I will not take it back."
"You know I lost my daughter. You know what I’ve been through."
"We will go to another town and change our names. We will start over."
"But what I want to say is that one of the pictures that man took got in the newspaper. It showed the cookies my sister made, how they were scattered all over the floor. Underneath it said SHE WAS KILLED FOR COOKIES. I never forgot that, how it was mean and true at the same time."
"I would take that movie back if I could but not shooting the boyfriend. He was a bad, bad person to kill a harmless little girl."
"I wasn’t crying then but he must have seen I was sad and maybe scared too, because he reach over and pat me on the shoulder and said you’ll be okay, Benjy."
"My mother told me to call Mrs. Tillitson next door and said to the cop it’s because right now our phone isn’t working."
"I guess most jokes have some truth in them, and that is what makes them funny."
"It’s just outside the county zoning, which is how he gets away with it."
"There aren’t just 2 kinds of people, good and bad, like I thought when I was a kid."
"I said I miss my mother. He said of course you do."
"I think in this world you have to help yourself."
"Feelings are like breathing, they come in and go out."
"I knew nothing could come of that because she was 2 years older and crushing big on Glen, but you can’t help how you feel."
"You must see your target but your target must not see you."
"Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless."
"What they don’t know about you can’t hurt you. Or come back to haunt you."
"Snipers are glamor boys, the ones they make movies about and the ones Stephen Hunter writes his novels about, but it’s the spotters who really do the work."
"When I want your opinion I’ll give it to you."
"I don’t need the fucking laptop, I have the flash drive with Benjy’s story on it."
"Will it help if Shan and Derek and the other kids find out that their Monopoly buddy shot a bad guy? It would be nice to think so, but then there’s the fact that their Monopoly buddy shot the bad guy from cover. And in the back of the head."
"If you make the kill, I’ll put you in for a commendation. Miss, or hit one of the hanger-arounders, which would be worse, and I will transfer the boot that goes up my ass to yours, only harder and deeper."
"If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise. If you go down to the woods today, you better go in disguise."
"I always keep two people in mind when I sit down to write: myself, and the stranger."
"It’s all about that M151. It’s the optical scope the spotter used to calculate the distance from muzzle to target..."
"Get real, Billy tells himself. I’m the only stranger here."
"Because today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic."
"What am I supposed to do with you? Just what the fuck am I supposed to do with you, tell me that."
"He’s been writing something. Kind of a life story. I don’t suppose you’d want to—"
"It’s a fucked-up bedtime story but he tells it to her."
"That guy’s face goes slack as he beholds a man in a Melania Trump mask."
"If you act right, most times they don’t even notice you."
"You’re an expensive date," he says when he gives her the bag.
"If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise."
"Bet if I asked to see your green card, you’d be shit out of luck."
"You're sure of a big surprise. If you go down to the woods today you better go in disguise."
"I thought, ‘If I do that, if I do what they want, it will never end. I’ll be doing what they want for the rest of my life and one day I’ll wake up old right here in little old Kingston.’"
"I think you're okay, the odds in your favor."
"If you don’t get a call from me this afternoon, wait."
"No wetback cock, huh? Doesn’t exactly make me John Howard Griffin, but I’ll take it."
"You’ve got it backwards. Nick’s the fucking traitor. I did the job and instead of paying me he stiffed me and planned to kill me."
"Leave a good tip for the housekeeper, he thinks. Leave a twenty."
"She laughs and raises a hand, palm out. Bucky gives her a high five."
"He smiles. 'Until I wrote that I didn’t know if I could. Now I do.'"
"I might even live with Bucky for awhile. What do you think of that?"
"She has my lappie open and was reading everything I’d written in the summerhouse."
"That old lady, Alice says, and shakes her head. Amazing."
"The man who’s going to be looking at these is a fucking pedophile."
"I rescued you after those men dumped you, all right? Now I'm rescuing you again. Trying to, anyway."
"Klerke screamed, didn’t he? He screamed that it hurt."
"Maybe he deserved to be hurt, but when you give pain it leaves a scar. It scars your mind. It scars your spirit. And it should, because hurting someone, killing someone, is no little thing."
"Go to Bucky, but don’t stay with him. He cares for you and he’ll be kind to you, but he’s a bad man, too."
"I could pretend that Marge—fucking Marge—only creased you, after all."
"I could see the fake wood walls and the blue bedspread and the bathroom glass in its plastic bag with writing on it that said SANITIZED FOR YOUR HEALTH."
"Did you know that could happen? Did you know that you could sit in front of a screen or a pad of paper and change the world?"
"I could make it be there. I could make it be there just as I was able to make the Bide-A-Wee be there, complete with all the details I didn’t put in."
"I could even fill it with ghosts, if I wanted to."