
Dark Matter Quotes

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

Dark Matter Quotes
"It’s our tradition, just the three of us—family night."
"There’s a richness to the analog recording I can never get enough of, especially the crackle of static between tracks."
"No one tells you it’s all about to change, to be taken away. There’s no proximity alert, no indication that you’re standing on the precipice."
"And maybe that’s what makes tragedy so tragic. Not just what happens, but how it happens: a sucker punch that comes at you out of nowhere, when you’re least expecting it."
"I love my life, but I haven’t felt that lightness of being in ages. Autumn nights like this are as close as I get."
"I love my son. He means everything to me. And yet, I can’t escape the feeling that I’m failing him."
"On my deathbed I would rather have memories of you than of a cold, sterile lab."
"It’s like we get so set in our ways, so entrenched in those grooves, we stop seeing our loved ones for who they are."
"It's terrifying when you consider that every thought we have, every choice we could possibly make, branches into a new world."
"We’re all just wandering through the tundra of our existence, assigning value to worthlessness."
"What if all the pieces of belief and memory that comprise who I am are nothing but a tragic misfiring in that gray matter between my ears?"
"I am not allowed to think I’m crazy. I am only allowed to solve this problem."
"Sometimes, an extreme stress situation can trigger what’s called psychogenic amnesia."
"We perceive our environment in three dimensions, but we don’t actually live in a 3-D world."
"Our path through this 4-D spacetime is our worldline (reality), beginning with our birth and ending with our death."
"What if we live in a fifth-dimensional probability space?"
"I can’t get over how entirely surreal it feels to be viewing a playback of the exact moment when the nightmare that is now my life began."
"This company has always been a family, and our lifeblood is complete and total trust."
"I'm not saying this to scare you, only to appeal to your logical reasoning—do you think there's anything we won't do to extract that information from you?"
"I am simply devastated, broken, terrified, and on the brink of just wanting it all to end."
"It's one thing to be lost in a world that's not your own. Another thing entirely to know you've been replaced in yours."
"I realize that on some level, I've known since I first laid eyes on the box."
"I wonder again how much damage I could do before someone hauled me away. Break his nose? Knock out teeth? Kill him?"
"I think this is what they call a steep learning curve."
"I shift the car into PARK and kill the lights."
"How far are we from our exit?" Amanda asks. "A mile or two."
"The inertia slams Amanda into the glove box."
"We tear through the vacated streets of South Chicago."
"This antiquated sedan is no match for what’s coming."
"I can hear the anthem of sirens drawing near."
"We’re all made of the same thing—the blown-out pieces of matter formed in the fires of dead stars."
"We associate reality with the tangible—everything we can experience with our senses."
"What if every possible move I think of is doomed to be anticipated or made before I even get a chance, where does that leave me?"
"There can be no sharing. It’s strictly competitive, a zero-sum game, where only one of us can win."
"But there’s nothing like a cigar after a meal."
"Every moment, every breath, contains a choice. But life is imperfect. We make the wrong choices. So we end up living in a state of perpetual regret, and is there anything worse?"
"The box isn’t all that different from life. If you go in with fear, fear is what you’ll find."
"It’s humanity’s anthem. But that isn’t true for me anymore."
"I’m filled with a childlike excitement to see what comes next."
"As long as my people are with me, I’m ready for anything."
"I put my hand on Charlie’s shoulder. 'You ready?' he asks. 'We’re right behind you.'"
"The box can’t take you back or forward in time. It only connects all possible worlds at the same moment, in the present."
"I think of all the nights I lay in bed, wondering what it might be like if things were different."
"I could wake up in your brownstone every morning and look myself in the mirror because I achieved everything I ever wanted. Can you say the same?"