
Heart-Shaped Box Quotes

Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill

Heart-Shaped Box Quotes
"Many of the objects in his private collection of the grotesque and the bizarre were gifts sent to him by his fans."
"Jude wasn’t sure what to do next, so he made a sandwich."
"The air was a cold shock that made his eyes water."
"His mind leaped from one bad thing to another."
"He wasn’t asleep, but thinking he ought to be."
"The sensation of falling—a weightless-sick feeling in the pit of his stomach."
"One fall they went to Fiji. The fall after, they went to Rome."
"I’ve never met a dying person yet who didn’t want some custard on their way out the door."
"The idea that I was in the chess club seems so…geeky."
"Go ahead and check into a hotel. See what happens. Wherever you go, he’ll be right there."
"I guess if it had cyanide on it, we’d know by now."
"I don’t think she would’ve sent me anything with poison on it."
"Why don’t you go and set in front of the TV."
"He wasn’t sure what to do next, so he made tea."
"They could bring a case against Jessica McDermott Price, but getting even with her wouldn’t make the dead man go away."
"His own identity was his first and single most forceful creation."
"Jude could believe in a ghost but not a boogeyman."
"It wasn’t selling souls that got you into trouble, it was buying them."
"He had just nodded off when Georgia got him by the arm and hauled him out of the car."
"No, Danny," Jude said. "No. He wasn’t right."
"The idea persisted that everything to happen so far had happened for reasons."
"I figured out how to make the ghost go away."
"She had a great tolerance for pain, always had."
"The dogs barked and barked, voices rough, strained, not far away now."
"The gleam and flash fascinated Jude. He felt his gaze sticking to it, felt the thought draining out of him."
"Let’s ride, Jude, said the ghost. Let’s go for a ride on the nightroad."
"You listen, now. You listen to the sound of my voice."
"I guess it didn’t get rid of him," she said. "Burning his suit."
"I just want to get off the road before dark."
"Boy, are we livin’ foul. If housekeepin’ finds out we been feedin’ our dogs from the dresser drawers, we will not be invited back to the Fredericksburg Days Inn."
"You deserve whatever happens to you," she said. "We both deserve it."
"What do you think happens to us when we die?"
"You have five luck lines. You’re luckier than a cat, Jude Coyne."
"When you're lovin' me, maybe you're lovin' her, too."
"I always thought if someone could speak to her, it might take a weight off her."
"You can't be a tree falling in the woods with no one to hear you crash."
"The worst moments of Ruth’s life happened out in that yard, while we all sat in here eating our lunch."
"I’m not as scared to die as I was a couple days ago."
"You might've done her some good and not even know it."
"I’m countin' on seeing you again, when you’ve figured out how to make things right."
"It was hard to live the outlaw life when you were famous."
"Prison didn’t frighten him especially. He had a lot of fans in there."
"He wondered idly who among rock stars had spent the most time in jail."
"I still can’t believe it. This guy who looks just like Judas Coyne, sleepin’ it off in the garage."
"What happened to my father’s shepherds?... Who’s carin’ for them?"
"It doesn’t matter whether he’s with someone else. He’s my friend."
"Who do you think you are, anyway, calling him a child molester?"
"You should’ve stayed away from my little girls, Jude."
"I hate to see you so miserable and mixed up."
"I seem to recall he threw your ass out. I don’t think he even answers your letters anymore."
"That’s all right. I’ll think for both of us."
"There comes a time, the dead have a right to claim their own."
"You think he’d be proud of you if he saw you attack me?"
"He might as well have cut her wrists himself."
"I guess that’s the devil’s way of gettin’ straight to punishin’ the sinners."
"It’s like that Coyne fella took your unhappiness and cranked up the volume on it."
"The last night was awful. The things she said and did to him were awful."
"She spat on him. She tried to kill him, tried to shove him down the stairs, a weak old man."
"He might as well have sent us a bomb in the mail."
"Your stepdaddy liked to fuck little girls. First you, then Anna."
"He might as well have sent a ghost to haunt me."
"It wasn’t funny. It was important not to laugh again."
"You think you could turn my own little girl against me and not have to answer for it?"
"That man," he said again, almost spitting it.
"He’s the one sent us this stranger who wants to tear us down."
"He might as well have cut her wrists himself. And he’s going to answer for it."
"At last Jude’s father spoke, his voice a toneless wheeze. 'It’s a messenger. It’s a messenger of death.'"
"Jude’s father pressed himself back into his pillow, shoved his heels down into the bed, and pushed, as if he could force himself deeper into the mattress and away from Craddock."
"Jude’s father gagged, coughed, gagged again."
"Jude rose to his feet, swaying, light-headed."
"Jude watched him for movement, straining for some sound of breath."
"'Dad?' Jude said, knowing no one would answer."
"Martin’s lips widened to show his poisoned gums and crooked yellow teeth, what were left of them."
"Jude caught his father flush and drove him into the screen door."
"'He’s not…done,' Marybeth said. 'He’s comin’…again. He’ll never…be done.'"
"Jude glanced around for something he could stick against the slash across her throat."
"Jude dipped his hand in Marybeth’s blood, wetting it entirely, turned away again."
"Craddock’s shadow fell over him. Ghosts could cast shadows?"
"Why? Anna said again as she approached Craddock."
"The world wavered, darkened, almost disappeared. No, Jude thought, no no no."
"She looks fondly up into his face. 'Hey. We almost got it right. Didn’t we almost get it right, Jude?'"
"Jude wasn’t sure which dead or famous person to expect next."
"'We went for rides in the country. She listens to your music on the radio. She said you weren’t at our house to hurt me,' Reese said."