
Daughters Of Sparta Quotes

Daughters Of Sparta by Claire Heywood

Daughters Of Sparta Quotes
"He hungers for power, and has the means to get it."
"You are a bride now, and soon to be a wife and queen."
"I had hoped that once Helen was married, once she was gone . . . But now I must lose the daughter I love and be haunted forever by the one who remains."
"She will be happy there. She is determined to be happy."
"Men soon forget whispered words when they hear the call of a throne."
"A swollen belly could bring death as well as life. It was the way of the gods."
"The gods accept me as your new king, and demand that you do the same."
"I have every right to take a concubine—several, if I wish it! You should be grateful that I visit your bed at all."
"You will ask me to do nothing. It is none of your business with whom I do or do not lie."
"I trust you not to tell your husband. I can see in your eyes that you have a kind heart."
"Her place is here now. You should be happy for her. It is a great honor to be chosen by the king."
"It's not a matter of letting, mistress. I can't exactly refuse them."
"I knew it was hard on you, but you did well. That’s what I came to say."
"You are a good wife, Klytemnestra. I appreciate the children you have given me and I respect you as my queen, but you have forgotten your place."
"It may hurt when he puts it in you, but you must let him do what he will."
"I would also suggest that you return all the suitors' gifts back to them, once you have made the announcement—to ease the bitterness of defeat."
"I simply wanted the chance to see the most beautiful woman in the world with my own eyes."
"Nonetheless, that is how it will seem. Not only will they be angry with you and with Sparta, but there is a danger that one of them may take matters into their own hands, and simply take by force the prize he has been denied."
"It was a bad one. The birth, I mean. I've seen babies born before, mistress—helped my mother when she had my brothers—but yours didn't go how it was supposed to."
"Now we are done, your husband will come to you. He will no doubt lie with you as is proper for a husband to lie with his wife."
"Our parents passed when she was young—I have raised her myself, more or less."
"A good life was all she had wanted for her own sister."
"You must swear that you will not tell your husband that Leukippe is my sister."
"How can I punish a man for trying to help his family?"
"Sometimes we must be led by duty, and sometimes by what is right."
"It was liberating in a way, to go out into the world not as Queen Helen, but just as Helen herself."
"It’s true what she said, my lord. I dropped the tray and it made a noise and—"
"Despite all her beauty, all her fine clothes and much-lauded charms, her husband did not love her."
"In over four years of marriage, she had never done that."
"Was it sacrilege to even think about it? To sit here anticipating it?"
"What little tenderness she and Menelaos had once had was better than none at all."
"Perhaps it was inevitable that she, Helen, would sink too."
"You are the greatest treasure Sparta has to offer."
"I cannot lie with you. It wouldn’t be right."
"You have been haunting my thoughts since I arrived here."
"I love you, Helen. That is what I came to say."
"I would never stop holding you, never stop touching you."
"You are more beautiful than I had even imagined."
"I would take them back if I could, but there is no time now."
"Let us not pretend you have no idea why I have come."
"You mean you. You would gain nothing." She was surprised by the contempt in her voice.
"But she would not be cowed. This was her daughter’s life. Her Iphigenia."
"What will her legacy be? Her blood the blood that launched a hundred ships."
"He was so enamored by the glory of it all—that he couldn’t see the terrible reality."
"You are a wife and a mother, as I am, so I know that you know a mother’s love."
"Why had she not thought of it? She must ask for their help."
"The injustice of it raged inside her, for herself, for her daughter, for those blank staring eyes."
"She should have saved her, instead of leading her to her death like a fool."
"That’s a fine offer, but I think we’ll leave them where they are. I don’t need anything but what I already have."
"A wife should not be lonely in her own home."
"I have tried to do what was best, haven't I?"