
The Lost Symbol Quotes

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

The Lost Symbol Quotes
"Here all men were equals, sworn brothers sharing a mystical bond."
"The Temple Room was lit by a series of precisely arranged candles."
"The secret is how to die, the initiate reminded himself."
"Soon you will lose everything you hold most dear."
"I can’t breathe. I’ve got to get out of this box!"
"Your guest, Mr. Langdon, has arrived, and I will deliver him to the Capitol Building by seven P.M."
"The key to our scientific future is hidden in our past."
"The scientific wisdom of the ancients was staggering… modern physics is only now beginning to comprehend it all."
"Powerful truth has its own gravity and eventually pulls people back to it."
"Mankind had once grasped the true nature of the universe… but had let go… and forgotten."
"In the correct hands, fire can provide illumination… but in the wrong hands, fire can be highly destructive."
"Knowledge is a tool, and like all tools, its impact is in the hands of the user."
"Wide acceptance of an idea is not proof of its validity."
"I have an extremely low tolerance for bullshit."
"Sometimes a legend that endures for centuries… endures for a reason."
"A few years ago, this search would have been a dead end."
"That which your brother believes is hidden in D.C. ... it can be found."
"I have the information you’re searching for, but if you want the rest of it, you’ll have to buy it from me."
"A single word, misunderstood, can rewrite history."
"Mythological treasures are always protected by tests of worthiness."
"A stone pyramid with a shining metal capstone."
"Language can be very adept at hiding the truth."
"A staircase that leads down into the earth … many hundreds of feet."
"Great men throughout history have made deep personal sacrifices to protect the Ancient Mysteries."
"You've been entrusted with a duty that is bigger than all of us."
"What began years ago in misery will end tonight in glory."
"Men do the unthinkable when pushed to the brink."
"I refuse to teach my son that money solves all problems."
"We see in the dark. We see through walls. And now… we see back in time."
"The whole world shall become as one book and all the contradictions of science and theology shall be reconciled."
"Before the end of the world, God shall create a great flood of spiritual light to alleviate the suffering of humankind."
"Before this revelation is possible, the world must sleep away the intoxication of her poisoned chalice, which was filled with the false life of the theological vine."
"History, if it has taught us anything at all, has taught us that the strange ideas we deride today will one day be our celebrated truths."
"The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base."
"Each new technology we invent becomes a tool with which to invent new technologies … and it snowballs."
"The promise of a great transformational enlightenment has been prophesied forever."
"Nothing is hidden that will not be made known, nor secret that will not come to light."
"Science and mysticism are very closely related, distinguishable only by their approaches."
"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology."
"If we want to follow the recipe written by the great alchemist and Rosicrucian mystic who signed his papers 'Jeova Sanctus Unus.'"
"The secret hides within The Order Eight Franklin Square."
"The greater the sacrifice, the greater the power that is transferred."
"There seems to exist an invisible ‘material’ that exits the human body at the moment of death."
"Peter and I must journey to the sacred mountain. That is where the treasure lies."
"Why are you doing this?! What have we ever done to you?! Why do you hate my family so much?!"
"This is arguably the most famous knife in history."
"Don’t worry, I have no intention of wasting its power on you."
"Yes, Peter, this ancient artifact still exists."
"At long last, you and I can end our painful journey together."
"She will stay alive for about an hour or so."
"I open this lodge for the practice of Masonry in the first degree!"
"America’s forefathers had a vision of a spiritually enlightened utopia."
"The Apocalypse is not the end of the world, but rather it is the end of the world as we know it."
"The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten you are divine."
"Both read the Bible day and night, but thou read black where I read white."
"The Bible does not talk openly for the same reason the Ancient Mystery Schools were kept hidden."
"We are creators, and yet we naively play the role of 'the created.'"
"We have scientifically proven that the power of human thought grows exponentially with the number of minds that share that thought."
"The most amazing part is that as soon as we humans begin to harness our true power, we will have enormous control over our world."
"God is very real — a mental energy that pervades everything."
"The Bible, like many ancient texts, is a detailed exposition of the most sophisticated machine ever created — the human mind."
"Once this becomes part of your reality, then some of the miracles you read about become simply a matter of degree."
"If our ancestors could see us today, surely they would think us gods."