
Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone Quotes

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone Quotes
"Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once."
"Honesty is what sets apart what we call 'Golden Age' mysteries."
"The Golden Rule of the Golden Age is play fair."
"Call me a reliable narrator. Everything I tell you will be the truth, or, at least, the truth as I knew it to be at the time."
"A bloke named Ronald Knox was part of the gang and wrote down a set once, though he called them his 'commandments.'"
"If your older brother tells you he's going to fix things, you believe him."
"We’re not a family of psychopaths. Some of us are good, others are bad, and some just unfortunate."
"I’m not normally a night owl, but Michael had called me half an hour before."
"People die in nature. Without the right skills and knowledge... If you don’t respect the mountain, what do you expect?"
"If a man on fire couldn’t melt snow, my mother’s fury, as she addressed me directly for the first time that weekend, sure could have."
"It was easier to tell where my dad had been than to see where he was."
"Maybe seeing the dead man had affected me after all, and I was seeing in Sofia’s exit the ostracism I’d felt for the last three years."
"I know it’s stupid, but I do remember the phone ringing and thinking it was a solemn ring."
"Dad was always out at night; it came with the territory."
"I can’t believe I’m the one who has to say this, but are we really going to storm out of every meal?"
"You’re still going to stand by him? It was meaner than I intended."
"I suppose it’s time I told you how my dad died."
"I wasn’t me anymore. Not just for the funeral, at school too."
"My mother didn’t flinch, but I remember hearing her let out a long-held breath through her nose."
"I realized there was another reason for her to be on the roof."
"If you polish those words differently—words like 'owe' and 'things to say'—it becomes a threat."
"I’m the guy who’s about to look through way too many doors. Maybe it’s important after all."
"How about you fix your marriage, and I’ll fix mine?"
"The gaggle that formed in the parking lot was not unlike the one that had formed earlier on the mountain."
"This is one of those tricks writers use, I’m afraid."
"I’m happy to cooperate to help you find out who did."
"You will not talk to him without me present."
"It’s a strange feeling to know what a life is worth. That’s all I’m saying."
"If you think it’s about the money, you’d be wrong."
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"It astounds me that that bloody man created the world’s most famous example of rational problem-solving, and we are all supposed to forget he was an absolute crackpot."
"I’m the least Cunningham of the Cunninghams."
"A holiday lodge is the Lost Sock Portal in the back of your washing machine for moldy paperbacks: no one buys them, no one brings them, yet they’re always here."
"I don’t want to get too deep into the meaning-of-life crap, but when you’ve killed someone, you’ve got to weigh it up."
"If Michael hadn’t previously forced it open, I wouldn’t have been able to do it on my own."
"The coffin wasn’t empty, which I’d half suspected, so seeing a body came as more of a relief than a shock."
"I didn’t know the science at the time—I had to look it up afterwards to write about it."
"The body in the coffin was meaningless to me. I’d tried so hard to shield myself with blind ignorance."
"You can’t have one for another . . . Actually, it’s better if you don’t know."
"The only place the mountain plateaued was in the middle of a frozen-over lake."
"Then I realized all the straps were back to hanging vertically. Gravity was back to normal."
"The water reached my chest. Nothing left but the roar of water in my ears."
"I wasn’t sure. I looked around my prison. There was no way I could scale the floor-cum-wall with a brutalized arm."
"I thought about the sturgeon fish. It was comforting to think that if my heart stopped from the shock, at least I wouldn’t have to know I was drowning."
"Mountain nights bring with them a special kind of blackness."
"I felt lighter, sort of floaty, but in much less pain than before. It must have been the pill."
"Your mother and I decided one of you would get it when she died—it’s got nothing to do with me."
"I couldn’t bring myself to stop her talking. I’m sure she could hear my heart beating."
"I don’t need to hear that bit. Tell me what Michael told you. And, more importantly, why you believed him."
"She said it like it was my fault. Like she’d tell me, back when we were happy, that she’d eaten chocolate she didn’t want purely because I’d left it within her eyeline."
"I knew my wife. She didn’t display affection like that."
"The storm had reignited, and the tiny capsule of my chalet groaned as the weather squeezed it on all sides."
"I knew it was obvious what they were talking about. And I took it because, well, because Michael wasn’t telling me anything about the coffin, and maybe I wanted to see for myself."
"It’s what my father told me, and I believed it. Still do. I killed her."
"Please believe me when I say that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just needed a bit more time."
"I wanted just you—just you as you were. I didn’t want a vessel."
"I’m not asking for pity. I’m trying to tell you why I was scared."
"I dreamt of my wedding day, though it was more of a memory than a dream."
"It was the happiest we’d ever been, I think. You had a light in your eyes that I couldn’t bring myself to snuff."
"I realized I’d trapped myself into never telling you, so I just had to go along with it."
"I kept thinking that I just needed to get rid of one more letter, I just needed to shrug off one more phone call, and then I’d be ready."
"I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn’t want to be the one who couldn’t give you what you wanted."
"The morning was gray-skied, dim, the storm back with renewed fury."
"I’m a fan of rules—some of you know this. And Step 9 in AA is to make amends."
"Rolexes are designed to last—their whole marketing campaign is based on them being handed down through generations."
"Does anyone care to fill in some gaps here, or should I keep going?"
"You call something like a microdot in a book like this one a MacGuffin."
"If you’re desperate to belong, we’re all here."
"Family is not whose blood runs in your veins, it’s who you’d spill it for."
"But Alan’s got a problem. He might not have killed Rebecca, but he’s not innocent."
"I didn’t say she knew him, I said she recognized him."
"I’d rather kill myself than choke to death under the Black Tongue’s torture."
"Michael had no right to tell me where I belonged. To tell me that what I’d done was wrong."