
The Department Of Sensitive Crimes Quotes

The Department Of Sensitive Crimes by Alexander McCall Smith

The Department Of Sensitive Crimes Quotes
"The whole point of free association, Mr. Varg, is to bring to the surface—to outward expression—the things that are below the surface."
"If I had a mission statement, then I suppose that is more or less what it would be."
"A therapist should help you to see why you do what you do, and should help you to stop doing it—if that’s what you want."
"We injure what we love, what we desire, every bit as much as that which we hate."
"Even in your profession—where you hear all sorts of dark secrets from your patients, day in, day out. Even then. You’d be surprised."
"But it is odd, isn’t it? The back of a knee..."
"What counts is the result, not the route by which one reaches the result."
"They might want to travel at two hundred kilometres an hour, but they usually settled for one hundred."
"We are usually in the dark. All of us—you, me, Carl—three people in the dark, fumbling around, trying to find our way out of the woods."
"The obvious is rarely the obvious until the passage of time has proved it so."
"The role of luck in human affairs had always intrigued him."
"The truth of the matter, though, is that the child in question is actually a bit of a dead loss."
"We have to pretend about so much these days."
"Sometimes we stumble over the truth. We think we find it, but it finds us."
"Lending a phone to somebody is not lending her your life, she thought, even if the borrower is your mother."
"You don’t expect your mother to read your emails or look at your photographs—unless she should press the wrong button, of course."
"It was the look that she had always given her when there was cause for reproach—and often that reproach was associated with an implicit accusation of exclusion."
"There are enough men already for us to have to deal with—why add to the troubles of women by making more up?"
"Revenge was a smörgåsbord of delight—to be contemplated with anticipation, and savoured with satisfaction."
"Life is a progression of partings. One by one, people—and things too—are taken from us."
"Love and kisses, xx. They were such clichéd words and symbols, but there were times they set the heart racing because they meant exactly what they purported to say."
"Isn’t one entitled to ask a colleague about a personal issue? Such as...such as the recommendation of a dentist?"
"Who am I fooling? That was the question he used to ask himself as a young man, and had found it a valuable corrective to any of the common dishonesties of this life."
"He read it one last time, and then tore it into several pieces, and then tore those pieces up until the note was no more than confetti."
"But you just said it’s about a missing girl; what’s personal about that?"
"They say there’re no grounds for suspicion that a crime has been committed."
"I’ve often wondered about criminal types, you know."
"He was not sure what to call the Commissioner."
"If you stab somebody, I always say, never do it in the back. Do it in the front, like a man!"
"Yes, you could say that. But maybe also because I just couldn’t face them."
"I didn’t want the boys to get in touch. I just couldn’t face it."
"I’m really sorry. I only did it because Bim asked me to."
"There was mercy for the guilty—at times—and mercy, too, for the plain silly."
"The important thing with happiness was simply that you should feel happy; it did not matter...if you did not understand the reason why."
"There were men in there. There were two left shoes."
"Governments seemed to operate in a world where the plain facts of economics did not apply."
"I’ve never stayed at a spa before. I take it there’ll be a gym."
"A thermosiphon works by letting cold liquid sink and hot liquid rise."
"Sometimes I wish I had a simple, nine-to-five job."