
Paris For One And Other Stories Quotes

Paris For One And Other Stories by Jojo Moyes

Paris For One And Other Stories Quotes
"Let her go. Don't take it all so seriously, eh?"
"I feel it here, you know?" he says, thumping his chest. "So … powerful."
"People always do. What are you going to do this evening?"
"You cannot spend your evening in Paris in your hotel room."
"I may be going out with some people tonight, and I would like to look a little more ... French."
"It’s a short walk down rue des Archives. Tell her Marianne sent you."
"You are the Impulsive Girl from England, after all!"
"You don’t ever do something just because it makes you feel good?"
"Sometimes you just have to do what feels good, right?"
"When they left the Wildcat, they had swayed a little, drunk on the evening, beer, tequila and life, but somehow in the last half hour she has sobered."
"Her legs ache from the dancing, her ears are still ringing, and she thinks she has never felt less tired in her life."
"She doesn’t care. She could walk like this forever."
"She hears her mother suddenly. You’d go back to a strange man’s house? In Paris?"
"You know, Nell, I’m sure you will probably say no, but I just wanted to tell you again – you can stay with me. If you like."
"Because she knew already that this would be the thing that would end them. And that in the deepest part of her, she had known it from the beginning, like someone stubbornly ignoring a weed growing until it blocked out the light."
"I feel like I fell in love with an entire city."
"Well, when Pete didn’t turn up this weekend, I wanted to die. I thought everyone would laugh at me till next Christmas. Nell, the girl who got stood up in the City of Lights."
"Your generation didn’t invent sex, you know. You’re young! Nothing wobbles! You can still wear teeny tiny underwear!"
"She’s an amazing character. But she is a little too careful. She has to weigh up everything."
"The way you write about the woman. About how she feels, the way she sees things. I saw myself in her. She’s …"
"‘This has been the best night of my life,’ she says softly. ‘I feel … I feel like I just woke up.’"
"‘I have a problem,’ the man said. ‘Everyone who comes here has a problem,’ said Frank."
"You can’t simply parachute me out of our life and expect me to pretend that nothing needs doing."
"Because someone has to remember this stuff, Doug, and it isn’t usually you."
"I can't say anything bloody right. Or do anything right."
"You should have taken Clare. She works on Tuesdays. He's definitely soft on her."
"I hate CCTV. I always worry that Mr. Warburton is watching me accidentally tuck my skirt into my knickers."
"I've just got this feeling that you're not going to hurt me."
"This is how billionaires do things. You have to fit around their timetable."
"Unfortunately, friendship will not put bread on our table."
"The women on his canvases … there is a reason Édouard gets the images he does, of such delicacy and power, the reason he is able to portray such … intimacy."
"He is a man of great talent. He should not lose focus."
"A man like that cannot be confined. It is against his artistic spirit."
"The pain that could be caused by too much of what you loved."
"We are happy, you and I. You know I have not so much as looked at another woman since we met!"
"I wanted to stroll around the little bars of Paris and sit down and drink glasses of wine for no reason, my hand in yours."
"I have never been married. But I can imagine that it changes one’s life beyond all recognition."
"I adored him from within my very bones, how my life before him had been a grey, colourless thing, and a future without him terrifying and black."
"I believe there was very little in life that could not be solved by a brisk walk and a dose of fresh air."
"Let them wonder. She liked the idea that she could surprise people occasionally."
"I’ll take U there. I miss yr voice, Scarlet Woman."
"A ring on the finger is worth two on the phone."
"I love doing that. One day I’m going to get caught."
"I don’t want children, David had told her, right at the beginning. I never have."
"Life is short. Too short to look that anxious."
"I think it’s called the spirit of Christmas, he says. I’d just go with it."