
Splinter Cell Quotes

Splinter Cell by David Michaels

Splinter Cell Quotes
"You see, it’s divided into four quarters. This is the Christian Quarter, the one we’re in now."
"We’ve just received word that the Kurdish police there have captured a brand-new shipment of weapons."
"I’m not going to speculate on whether we were right or wrong to invade Iraq in 2003."
"He’s probably in the CIA." Eli said it facetiously.
"I spent my early twenties in the United States, during the 1970s, before the fall of the Shah."
"I have been expecting you, Mr. Fisher. Welcome to Tabriz," he says.
"It was extremely lucky on their part, most unfortunate on ours."
"I don’t like leaving bodies in my wake, but it can’t be helped."
"It’s difficult to determine how old Basaran is, but I’d guess early fifties."
"It’s very luminous throughout the compound, and my only screens are the broad shadows of buildings."
"They’re a mangy bunch, men who had lived in the brush and avoided the law for months at a time."
"The biggest problem they now faced was rebuilding the Far East pipelines."
"He poured another glass of wine for the girls but left his and Noel’s glasses empty."
"The jury’s still out on whether or not this is true."
"He looks at me skeptically. 'But Mr. Fisher, you are from Switzerland, right?'"
"I know there are surveillance cameras all over the place, so I open the door just a sliver."
"She gasped. He really meant it. This wasn’t a joke."
"As long as he was paid what was coming to him."
"The cameras won’t make me. On the surveillance video I’ll probably just look like another guard."
"I putter along at a slow speed as if I’m just another lazy guard doing his rounds."
"I’m beginning to think I’m wasting my time here."
"Just what the hell is Akdabar Enterprises doing with a shitload of weapons?"
"No time to lose. I can easily reach the pipe, so I grab it and begin traversing it, hand over hand."
"Damn, my shoulder hurts. It could be a sprain, but I don’t think it’s a bad one."
"The answer comes to me as I look to my left and see a shed housing the three-wheelers."
"I scramble up the Dumpster and peer into the place."
"I’ve had enough of Nasir Tarighian and the Shadows."
"No, the Shop can't see, Zdrok is blind to everything but his own little world." - Tarighian
"Let me get this straight. The diaper factory was attacked by someone—an Arab." - Man and Tarighian
"The rift was already there. They just made it wider." - Tarighian
"My brain cells need feeding—they soak up all the nutrition." - Carly
"Commitment, for her, was a four-letter word." - Narration about Carly
"All they care about is money. I’ve hit them where it hurts and I’ll continue to do so." - Tarighian
"The United Nations could come sweeping down on them within hours." - Tarighian
"For a message, I type in Russian, 'I thought you’d find the attached conversation interesting.'" - Sam Fisher
"Do I know you?" he asks in Russian. - Zdrok
"All this occurred in five point four seconds."
"For a moment I have to stand and watch the thing, it’s so goddamned awesome."
"I’m not sure what kind of damage they’ll do, but I hope it will delay firing the weapon for a bit."
"I run as fast as I can out of the parking lot and toward the front gate."
"Once I’m out of the compound, I breathe a little easier but I keep moving."
"I’m happy to see the Turks getting involved, which must have been a major diplomatic coup for Lambert."
"I’m aware that I’m not breathing for a moment as I watch the flaming horror fall in slow motion to the Mediterranean."
"All I can think of is what heroes those men in the fighters are."
"I can see Lambert rubbing the top of his head and sighing with relief."
"I’ve been told by my superiors that this is really the U.S.’s show."
"I run a good thirty yards from the warehouse before I stop and place her on the ground."
"I answer, 'I love you, too, kid,' but she’s already asleep."