
Before The Frost Quotes

Before The Frost by Henning Mankell

Before The Frost Quotes
"He tried desperately to remain calm, to think clearly. The worst thing was fear."
"What appeared to be love turned into hate. I should have seen it earlier."
"Only through physical death will we survive."
"In his sermons and in all his teachings he didn’t just talk about the spiritual preparations we needed to undergo to ready ourselves for the Judgment Day ahead."
"The truth about a person can just as well be determined with the nose as with your eyes and ears."
"The devil hides inside people and the devil smells of sulfur."
"I wondered if I would ever be able to fill the void that God and Jim Jones had left behind."
"He had chosen the right spot to put out food to attract the animals he would soon be sacrificing."
"Even wild animals could be trained to respect time."
"Their dying screams sound like broken trumpets."
"People avoid me just as I avoid them. I know they think I’m eccentric."
"Someone has to be prepared to jump into the fray."
"What would happen to our society if there were no police?"
"I don’t know what looks have got to do with it."
"I’m almost thirty and on good days I’m generally happy with how I look."
"Paths were not laid out only for the simplest way of getting from A to B."
"I wonder if he managed it—I’ve never been able to ask him, of course."
"The world, in their eyes, was upper-class and lower-class and nothing in between."
"You just have to try to win as many of them as you can."
"A person’s disappointment in life, stemming as it did from an unattainable dream, conceivably weigh more heavily than the most important person in his life?"
"I’ve assigned all the trees that you see here to the friends I’ve had who’ve died."
"When it’s ready I’ll play it for you. Then people will finally understand what I’ve been trying to do all these years."
"I wonder if this wasn’t the most satisfying way of expressing one’s independence: by daring to abandon the well-trodden path."
"The unexpected can look baffling until you have the necessary background information."
"I hate the fog in Skåne. It creeps right into one’s head."
"We had taken many walks here when she was younger, especially when she was about ten or eleven."
"I’ve always thought of Dad as a good friend to the few he has."
"I can hug the dead here without them seeing me."
"She had no education, so the only available occupations were on the assembly line or housekeeping."
"A person in basic possession of his or her senses?"
"Every time an image of the severed head flashed through her mind she felt sick."
"What kind of a maniac would cut a person’s hands off?"
"Sometimes the part that’s left out is the biggest part of the lie."
"The self-evident is always the most mysterious."
"Life wasn’t just something that took care of itself."
"I can’t remember when it comes, even though I was born and raised here. I don’t remember the snow."
"People often have these kinds of reactions when someone dies."
"I don’t want to be like Dad, who can never find the right house and the right dog and the wife he needs."
"Births and deaths are going on all around us all the time."
"She walked back to the car. The house behind the church had sparked her curiosity."
"Isn’t that why we all come here? To find answers to our questions?"
"He moved the pigs into the living room and the chickens into the kitchen."
"Every day, the same time, the same face, the same grief."
"I’m treating this as if Anna simply decided to go away without remembering to mention it to me."
"I think she stopped snooping altogether after that, but I could never be sure."
"It’s over," she said. "It was no more than a reflection in the glass. I can return to my studies."
"Reading one page or a thousand makes no difference once you’ve crossed the line."
"That remains to be seen. I guess anyone can have a bad day."
"Everything is all right," she thought. "I was wrong. Nothing has happened."
"Who is lying, or not telling the whole truth?"
"It’s a message," she thought. "My body is trying to tell me something."
"It’s enough to make you think she had an abortion herself and can’t talk about it."
"In the future, this church may become a shrine. The first Christians who died in the catacombs of Rome have returned. The time of the fallen angels is finally over."
"That is the day everything ends and everything begins again."
"The old scriptures teach us the law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. He who kills must himself be killed."
"Only through complete devotion and ruthlessness will we conquer the emptiness that exists inside men."
"In our redemption we are lifted high on wings of might to join him in his power and shine with his holy light."
"Unfortunately one of the many things I’ve inherited from my father is this ability to make thoughtless, hurtful comments."
"Locking and opening is, in a sense, man’s very purpose on this earth. Key rings rattle throughout history."
"Sometimes in my dreams it isn’t a scarecrow at all but a living person."
"I am doing this for your sakes, to fill the emptiness you may not even realize you carry within yourselves."
"Freedom and redemption only come through bloodshed, through death; there is no other way and that someone must lead the herd."
"I believe this is the work of one person, not because of the handwriting, but because there is a kind of logic to what is written here."
"Yes, the good that I wish to do, I do not; but the evil that I do not wish to do, I do."
"All the wisdom life has taught me can be summed up in the words 'he who loves God, is blessed.'"
"It's something else. They believe in what they're doing. They don't think it's crazy."
"The only thing that is important is that you should not be afraid."
"We have to keep working. Sooner or later we’ll find our way. We have to."
"Because they believe in God and love him. But I don’t think their love is reciprocated."
"Ten minutes to see what it feels like to have decided to live."
"Most of all she would have liked to go back to the station for a cup of coffee."