
The Lost Colony Quotes

The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer

The Lost Colony Quotes
"When Artemis discovers that there is a fairy civilization below ground, he sees it as a golden opportunity."
"Now there is a whole new species to exploit with his ingenious schemes."
"No sniper would position himself on the rooftop of Casa Mila, directly across the street, because it is open to the public."
"Demons are unique among all the creatures of the Earth."
"The moon separated me from the rest of the island during the great journey."
"But still, some days, when his self-esteem had taken a bit of a pounding, No.1 couldn't help gazing wistfully across at the female compound."
"No sniper would handicap themselves by positioning on buildings somewhat screened by foliage."
"The island of Hybras is actually an enormous moonrock that came down in the Triassic period."
"I want to warp, I really do. But it's the hating thing. I just can't manage it."
"Are you going to cry? This is too much, Leon."
"Best foot forward, young sir, the world awaits."
"The only crime we are guilty of is fare-dodging."
"I got an offer for you. Why don't you get your dwarf stink outta here before I crack your teeth with this hammer?"
"If you are a warlock, then you should really be on the other side, with your relative."
"Allow me to demonstrate. Let us say that this salt cellar is Hybras."
"Thanks for calling ahead. Wouldn't want to spook anyone. No shimmer?"
"This human security was lame. In any fairy building he would have been laser-scanned a dozen times by now."
"Beautiful, thought Doodah as soon as his head stopped ringing."
"You can do it, you little junk box. One jump. Your chance to be a thoroughbred."
"I should be getting more than amnesty for this. I should be getting a pension."
"Prithee sheath thine weapon. I bring joyous tidings only."
"That little thing shoots fire and death? Flying metal birds?"
"Perhaps the strain of the day has made you irritable. Maybe you should take a nap."
"Can't you see what is happening here? He has come among us as a wolf in sheep's clothing."
"True, he had spent a year with the Spanish peacekeeping force in Namibia, but he'd been attached to a journalist for the entire tour and had never participated in any action."
"The empty hiss seemed more ominous than a ghost's howl."
"Two shots," he said into his lapel mike. "Confirmation," he said. "I'm in control here."
"Earlier, when he had believed that they were under siege, he had panicked slightly, but followed procedure. This was different."
"I need that demon back," he said, casually drawing a stiletto blade from a secret pocket in the sleeve of his jacket.
"You are lucky, Mister Kong, not to be facing a murder charge."
"I've faced them before. It's amazing how easy it is to elude the authorities."
"Listen to me, idiot. That demon is gone."
"You can't alter events in time and be unaffected."
"I know magic can be stolen, because I stole some myself."
"A magical creature like us. I hope you will use your gift wisely."
"It's all coming back to me now. You and that other moron, Bludwin – you were against the time spell."
"We had it all worked out. We had a circle of seven in the volcano, the lava was rising, and everything was under control."
"The time spell is unravelling and we need to make preparations for the journey home."