
A Thousand Heartbeats Quotes

A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass

A Thousand Heartbeats Quotes
"If you use these skills to try to run, you will come up against me. And if you do, you will regret it."
"I’d hoped for passion, for a love that took reason by the shoulders and shoved it off a cliff."
"In private, that’s fine. But you’re not a child anymore, Annika. A lady ought to wear her hair up."
"We’re going to sneak in. There are some untouched clothes in storage. We’re going to get the best of what’s left and turn ourselves into subjects."
"I was prepared to fight—it wouldn’t be the first time—but now was not the time or place."
"I hate everything. I hated this castle, I hated fate, I hated myself."
"I may as well get up, anyway. I might actually be able to make a difference soon. We might finally leave."
"If someone had stolen my heart, you’d figure it out long before I did."
"Sometimes, silence itself was enough to make some prisoners so uncomfortable that they spilled everything for the sake of filling the void."
"I sighed. 'This was why relationships were nothing but trouble.'"
"I remembered feeling content with what I had, and sleeping well at the end of the day."
"She was angry. She didn’t look like she wanted to be, but she was."
"I swallowed. 'I’m afraid I’m going to have to kill her.'"
"I couldn’t tell if it was because she was disagreeing with me, clearing her thoughts, or just frustrated that she was crying. Maybe it was all three."
"I’m tired,' she admitted, looking down at her hands and fidgeting with her fingers."
"I couldn’t help myself, I turned to her one last time."
"I would not be trapped; I would not be killed like my mother."
"My underdress was white. My stays were white. I might as well have been a torch in the night."
"I wanted to know how she looked, and I wanted to go plant my tears by her headstone."
"You’ll never see such a thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if her father literally locked her in a tower."
"The thing is, some of us have been taught to listen for it, so when it comes, it’s all too easy to hear over the noise."
"He sighed, admitting the hardest truth. 'We all know where I rank here.'"
"I’ve wanted to run for so long, to find a better way, and the reason I haven’t abandoned this all yet is because I’m waiting for you to wake up and remember I’m your son."
"I reached into the pocket on my waistbelt for my father’s button and rubbed it back and forth between my finger and thumb."
"I’ve never been a part of anything like this," Rami whispered.
"I can’t help it if everyone around me has a sweet tooth."
"I am not a coward! You have no idea what I’ve done to have every drop of cowardice removed from my body."
"Make them fear you. Kill off a handful of people. Kill some more."
"You want to know when my life turned a corner? When it got better? A lone wolf from our army who was determined to take vengeance for my father’s death decided to kidnap a woman and put her in our dungeons."
"You want to know everything, Your Highness? Here you go."
"I’ve been kicked in the gut, stabbed, cut, slapped across the face so many times I hardly feel it when it happens now."
"By making sure people know you don’t care about them, about anything."
"And then they think twice before so much as walking in your direction. That is the secret of staying alive."
"I didn’t know who she was, so what did it matter to me? They were too afraid to do what must be done, and so I did it."
"I’m thankful for Vosino, but I don’t want to go back to Kawan. I’d almost rather be alone and build a house in some of the unclaimed land on the outskirts where I could forget all about him, and he could forget all about me."
"What I loved about Rami was how gentle she was. It seems impossible with our way of life, but Rami still had softness in spades."
"Sometimes, I’m more sad than angry. Even though he’s still here, it’s like they’re both gone."
"I’m not sure we’ll be able to raise these, but I’ll try for demonstration purposes."
"I swallowed. "I need to tell you something." I was playing with the hole in my dress again. "But I’m not sure you want to hear it."
"I’m off to see my brother. Thank you so much, Doctor."
"I’ve spent every single day of my life here trying to become you."
"And to my shock, once she said my name, the entire army went up in cheers."
"I straightened my dress over my knees, telling myself not to cry again. Not just yet."
"I always hoped you’d come back, but you didn’t. I feel like—"
"Why did you let him beat me so many times? Why didn’t we just leave?"
"The truth is, people grieve at different paces."
"It was easier to feel nothing than everything."
"You said he kept me close to keep you closer."
"All the stories about the missing seventh clan are in mythology."
"He’s the only one who’s interacted with their princess, and he talked to those soldiers who defected as well."
"I need someone to deliver something to Lennox. A gesture between leaders."
"I appreciate your care, Nickolas, but I prefer not to be awakened by shouts outside my door."
"I hate to disappoint you, but there will always be things you can’t know. It’s simply the nature of my life."
"Then shall I keep what I know from you? Is that how a husband and wife behave?"
"I will ask you to please check your misguided anger."
"I spent the night in the arms of the woman I love. What’s there to be unhappy about?"
"You and I, Lennox. We can’t have both. In fact, we can’t have either."
"I want nothing in the world but to be yours."
"It’s just, all this time I’d been looking to fairy tales to find my happily ever afters."