
The Witch Collector Quotes

The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks

The Witch Collector Quotes
"Creating magick in this way is a difficult skill."
"I’m not sure this is my wisest decision given what I must do today."
"I’ve never dared tell my parents or anyone else."
"The chosen Witch Walkers help protect the northernmost borders and Winterhold itself."
"What would Colden Moeshka, the Frost King, want with an unskilled witch like me?"
"For centuries, every eastern ruler has tried to conquer the southern lands."
"I believe I have the power to change that, to end his immortal life and make us a free land governed by its people, free to live as we choose."
"I don’t know what it is about this kid, but I can’t decide if I’m impressed by his bravery or if I can’t stand him."
"You exhausted yourself with magick. It requires much strength to save a life from the brink of death."
"With your gift, we could’ve foreseen an attack. Maybe we could’ve found a way to stop the Eastlander army before they became a threat."
"You have no idea what you’re saying. You write your future now, Raina Bloodgood. Make up your mind."
"Be sure, I am many things. But I am no liar."
"I’m not sure what you want from me, Raina. This is a game of chance we’re walking into."
"Listen to your soul, Raina. Listen to the emotions boiling deep and use them."
"There’s a very good chance that we might be forced to spend several nights together, so you should get used to me. I don’t bite."
"I haven’t had a chance to tell you that I’m sorry for the loss of your village. And your mother."
"Losing everyone you love leaves an indelible mark on your soul."
"Tell me about my sister. What is she like now?"
"You cannot carry that responsibility. We all face moments of decision."
"I could have watched the waters. I could have seen you coming."
"You’ve saved my life twice, Raina Bloodgood. I’m eternally indebted to you."
"Fire of my heart, come that I may see you, warm my weary bones, be my place of rest."
"Enough questions for tonight. You must be tired. Get some rest while you can."
"I see the slice of the blades before I can reach them, the bloody slits smiling at their throats, their empty eyes watching a blue sky for the last time."
"Misery washes through me, intense and violent."
"The earth shakes again, so hard the wraith tumbles off me."
"It tries to run, but the saplings come to life, snaking around Helena’s legs before the wraith can take her far."
"The earth quakes and rumbles like a star fell from the sky and crashed in the middle of this godsforsaken forest."
"Alexus’s arms are around me, one slung over my waist, holding me tight against him."
"I’m not sure how long we sit there, him chanting, me watching and listening, helplessly."
"I swallow hard. Not just because awful scrapes zigzag from navel to collarbone, but because I did not need to see this much of him right now."
"I can’t think around anything other than this yearning inside me, this rush, the way his heat and hardness tempt me beyond all rationalization."
"Some secrets can change the world, and those we love most can be terribly tempting."
"After they're told the importance of guarding Colden, they understand why we cannot tell the whole vale."
"It can kill anyone and anything, the blessed and the cursed, the forever living and the risen dead—even other gods."
"I am certain he is even angrier than before, having spent centuries in the pits of the underworld."
"The God Knife calls to Un Drallag, Raina. It's been trying, all these years, to return to its maker's hands."
"I keep Neri bound so that he cannot wreak havoc on the Northlands or any other part of this empire."
"My body is a cage, Raina. These runes are a trap."
"I’m going to have a look around and gather more brush. You should heal that wound and consult the waters so we can decide what to do from here."
"I didn’t have time for preparations before we left."
"Things keep getting worse, but there’s a saving grace."
"Voices sound from outside the tent—the prince and Vexx."
"Just a little while longer, then you’ll be free."
"My thoughts dart everywhere, though I refuse to look away."
"It’s cold, and my hands are stiff and achy from being in binds for so long."
"We’ll meet again, Keeper, and when we do, I’m going to drive that knife into your heart and inhale your soul."
"I swear I sense another person, some presence writhing to break free, but that’s impossible. Except—it’s not."
"The Prince of the East is a man who somehow steals life and magick from others."
"He’s been to the Shadow World, but the afterlife doesn’t grant magick."
"I’m not supposed to be here, let alone with a weapon."
"The God Knife knows me. It bears my rune. My name."
"I was in a dark place, and guilt had overcome me."
"There’s one thing I didn’t tell you in the cave."
"No one can know what the northern god is up to or what he’ll do now that he’s free."
"I’ve thought of him since morning, my mind at war about what to do."
"You can call me friend a thousand times, but I know you feel this."
"That man would burn down the world for Raina Bloodgood, and he’s known her barely two weeks."
"Most battles are hard-fought. Something must always be lost if you’re ever to gain."
"I will never forget. And one day, I hope to make you pay."
"You should consider yourself lucky I’ve given you this opportunity."