
I Will Find You Quotes

I Will Find You by Harlan Coben

I Will Find You Quotes
"I am serving the fifth year of a life sentence for murdering my own child. Spoiler alert: I didn’t do it."
"My son is dead. That’s the lede here. That’s the lede and the headline and the all-caps."
"Guilty or not guilty of the actual murder, it is my fault and thus my sentence to serve."
"If you think this will be a tale about a wronged man proving his innocence, it is not."
"A father’s job is to protect his son. That’s his number-one priority."
"Memory is often our most imaginative storyteller."
"Time doesn’t pass normally in prison. It stops and starts and sputters and zigzags."
"The truth is, I’ve settled in here. It’s awful—worse than you imagine—but still I’ve grown accustomed to this particular brand of awful."
"We are all so luxuriously stupid when things are good in our life."
"The American economy relies more on the con than we like to think."
"Memories always sting, don’t they? The good ones most of all."
"There is a fine line between day and night in Briggs."
"You don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
"The only thing more painful than remembering Matthew was the idea she might actually forget him."
"Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
"The world may eventually give Rachel another chance, but she wasn’t sure she deserved it."
"In order to move on, as far as she was concerned, David had never existed."
"There is, Pixie knew, always an angle when you’re rich."
"Most believe that these mansions are donated so that others may enjoy them. That only happens when it is financially beneficial for the family."
"The wealthy in the room could have just written a check to support the Payne charities for underserved youth. None would ever miss the money."
"I know that this year holds extra excitement."
"Gertrude understood that no one voluntarily shrinks or lessens their lot."
"I realized that you’ve waived your right to counsel, but let me offer you some reassurances."
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket."
"All men, Gertrude believed, tended to have some sociopathic qualities coupled with a wonderful ability to self-justify any behavior."
"Surveillance doesn’t require a van parked in front of the house."
"What’s the point in seeing Dad and Aunt Sophie after all this time?"
"I am an escaped convict with a few hours to kill, and I want to see the people I love the most."
"The homes, mostly multi-dwellings, were stacked close together."
"My old man finally set up a rotating schedule where the men in the neighborhood took turns mowing her lawn."
"One of my earliest memories—I must have been three or four—is my dad and Uncle Philip building a swing set in the yard."
"I’d had a crush on her since her family moved onto Shirley Avenue when we were in eighth grade."
"If you’ve had fertility issues, you know the stress and strain."
"Discovering that my sperm count was too low to have children messed with my head in an awful way."
"I love my father. He was the best father in the world."
"Aunt Sophie always believed in me. Others caved. But never, ever Sophie."
"She flings open the door, looks left and right in a protective way that tweaks my heart, and says, 'Get in here.'"
"It’s a throwback to an era when humans felt trapped."
"Rachel had texted David that she had an errand to run."
"One more thing," Rachel says. "She goes by Dr. Cheryl Dreason now."
"The hospital called her a"—Rachel made quote marks with her fingers—"distraction."
"I am mere yards away from Cheryl—my ex-wife, the mother of my child, the only woman I ever loved."
"Harmless, I scoff now, almost saying it out loud."
"There’s no one else. It has to be Matthew Burroughs who was in that bed."