
Daughter Of The Deep Quotes

Daughter Of The Deep by Rick Riordan

Daughter Of The Deep Quotes
"The more that something terrifies me, the more I tend to obsess over it."
"No one can say for certain, because so much of the ocean is unknown."
"I cannot think of a better captain to helm this watery adventure than the formidable Ana Dakkar."
"It’s easy to make the right decisions when all the world is watching, but when you’re deep underwater, where the sun can’t see you, you might just end up doing something you never expected…"
"The best science fiction can shape how humans see their own future."
"Figuring out how to tap the power of the sea, and to live with the power of the sea as our climate changes, may be key to human survival."
"You don’t realize your world is about to explode into a million smoking pieces of awfulness until it’s too late."
"Assuming I survive this weekend’s trials, of course."
"If you don’t have cuts and scrapes as a student at HP, you haven’t been doing your combat exercises right."
"The impossible is merely the possible for which we don’t yet know the science."
"Our attackers must be upperclassmen – they look taller and older than us, but not like adults."
"My hands are sweaty on the stock of the Leyden gun. I can’t get a clear shot."
"I wonder if this could be a ruse … some sort of training exercise."
"Think like a Dolphin, I tell myself. Espionage, not frontal assault."
"‘HOLD YOUR FIRE!’ my captor roars. ‘Or Ana Dakkar dies!’"
"‘Goodbye, Dr Hewett,’ Caleb calls as the pontoon pulls away. ‘You sucked as a teacher anyway.’"
"‘Your new toy is nothing,’ Hewett tells Caleb. ‘Dakkar is everything.’"
"‘Can you believe this?’ Nelinha grins at me as she passes by."
"‘We don’t execute prisoners,’ Hewett announces. ‘Dru, Kiya, throw him overboard.’"
"The Aronnax is a submarine the way a Lamborghini is an economy car."
"If you’re going to shock somebody unconscious, why spear them, too?"
"It’s human nature – he wants to know what I’m saying."
"‘I don’t care how good a shot you are, Twain,’ my captor snarls."
"The fact that Land Institute would develop a Leyden gun that causes unnecessary pain doesn’t surprise me, though."
"‘I’ve heard ‘experts’ say that autistic people have trouble with empathy.’"
"I don’t understand the motive, but this whole attack has been about capturing me."
"‘You’re just going to leave your friends behind?’ Gem flicks one of his gun barrels."
"Our plans are madness, blah-blah. But the Aronnax is operational now."
"‘The Aronnax is coming,’ Caleb says. ‘You’ve got maybe an hour if you’re lucky.’"
"‘You could have negotiated,’ I can’t tell if the ship is pitching or if it’s my own lack of equilibrium."
"‘Ned Land was a real Canadian master harpooner,’ Hewett continues."
"‘I’m starting to deduce my purpose, too,’ I say, getting goosebumps worse than Nelinha’s."
"‘We must get underway,’ Tia Romero stares at him in disbelief."
"‘He’ll be fine,’ Hewett assures her. ‘He has his buoyancy-control vest, his wetsuit, his water wings.’"
"‘They sent us to take you alive …’ He spits a flake of dried blood from his lip."
"And, yes, it’s way better than puny land-animal tech."
"I’m not sure how to answer. My senses are overloaded. I do feel a heaviness in the air, like just before a thunderstorm."
"I realize maybe I should not have put her on the spot like that, which makes me scowl even harder at Ophelia."
"The submarine reminds me of an ancient statue, adorned with paint, flowers and fine clothing that are slowly rotting away until only the stone will remain."
"I’m afraid she might explode from happiness."
"I feel like I should be wearing sunglasses and a hazmat suit and walking along with Grandpa Joe."
"‘But it’s in perfect condition,’ Nelinha says. ‘You repaired it in just two years, just you and Luca?’"
"We’ve been working for two years to clean and repair the submarine’s systems as best we could."
"You could feed the world with those crops."
"‘No serious ones, no,’ Ophelia says. ‘But the Nautilus can be … grumpy."
"Ester shivers. ‘That explains how Nemo covered so much distance in the books. He kept popping up all around the globe. They could never catch him.'"
"She appreciates being cleaned and fixed up. She likes that."
"‘You shouldn’t start there,’ she says. ‘You should start there.’"
"‘Ana Dakkar,’ Luca says in a reverent tone, ‘today is going to be a wonderful day.’"
"‘Hold on,’ I whisper to Ester. ‘How does the sub get from here to the open sea?’"
"‘She likes having a crew again,’ Ester tells me. ‘She likes being cared for.’"
"It’s a miracle the Nautilus still functions at all!"
"Ana Dakkar, you have to take the Nautilus away from here, out to open sea. She cannot fall into LI’s possession."
"I wish I could believe the Aronnax had left Lincoln Base alone."
"I run through one Bach fugue just because the crew is curious."
"Plans are worthless, but planning is everything."
"You’ll have to explain how you pulled that off."
"We will be the first class of HP to actually crew Captain Nemo’s ship."
"You don’t belong at HP any more than I do. We’re going to board the Nautilus together."
"I’m not going to lie. It’ll be a tough three years ahead of us."