
The Maddest Obsession Quotes

The Maddest Obsession by Danielle Lori

The Maddest Obsession Quotes
"Sometimes, one became so tainted they couldn’t get back to the light, and other times, the dark just felt right."
"I wasn’t a good man, and I worked for even worse."
"You seem too . . . levelheaded to behave in such a way over a woman."
"I’d found bliss in a rolled-up dollar bill and white powder."
"Sometimes, it was euphoric—blood-pumping, heart-racing, top-of-the-world euphoria."
"I’m sure I had only minutes until a head honcho in an ill-fitting suit escorted me to somewhere with a couch and coffee."
"Every night," I said with insinuation. "He makes me scream so loud I wake the neighbors."
"If I dressed a little less like a hooker, the cop who pulled you over might not have searched you."
"Some men, Gianna... can’t feel their own music, let alone other’s."
"Dance to this"—she pressed her hand to my heart—"whenever and however you want."
"You couldn’t survive me, Gianna. Nothing fragile ever does."
"You disappear for three years and then come back and demand things from me? You made your interest clear a long time ago, Allister. I’ll never answer to you—get used to it already."
"What part of ‘call me if you need anything’ did you not fucking understand?"
"Please. When a woman doesn’t hear from a man in two weeks, she gets the picture crystal clear."
"I could only imagine the look on her pretty face if she knew I’d been the one to put the bitch out of her depraved fucking misery."
"Sometimes an opportunity presents itself and I take it. It has nothing to do with you or my cock."
"She knows the consequences. If they’re involved, he’s dead and she’ll be dealt with."
"I don’t know how I can make this any shorter and sweeter for you—Gianna doesn’t exist for you anymore."
"Savior complex?" I joked to lighten the mood.
"I’ve thought about you so much you’re mine now."
"I’m not going to fuck you tonight. I don’t have time."
"You’ve been working with my papà!" I accused.
"I watched me with an unsettling conviction in his eyes, while my heart chugged to keep up with the feelings warring inside."
"The last one to crawl out of the shadows of my mind—the one I was most familiar with—won. Panic."
"The fist around my lungs released, but his words had left a sting behind."
"His voice was rough as he pulled my face up to his. 'Move shit around if you have to and pencil me in for tonight.'"
"I'd sought you out, just to see if you were as interesting as you looked."
"He was cool, icy control. But something burned hot beneath the surface."
"It feels like coming home to God. And nobody gives up their fucking spot in Heaven."
"I couldn’t force Gianna to marry me. I wanted—needed—to be different than the other men in her life."
"Good enough to fuck, but not good enough to marry."
"I got to my feet, finished with this conversation."
"I’ve told you more about myself than I’ve ever told anyone else."
"That was the first man I ever killed, malyshka. Stabbed him in the back with a kitchen knife."
"I didn’t care about what happened in your past. It doesn’t matter to me."
"I can’t be with you and only get half of you anymore."