
November 9 Quotes

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

November 9 Quotes
"I wonder what kind of sound it would make if I were to smash this glass against the side of his head."
"His voice causes my grip to tighten around the glass in hopes that it stays in my hand and doesn’t actually end up against the side of his skull."
"You’ll never be able to find yourself if you’re lost in someone else."
"Releasing sperm into the vagina of a twenty-four-year-old does not a father make."
"Falling in love may not be a conscious decision, but removing yourself from the situation before it happens is."
"I wonder how many times he’s put his foot in his mouth during lunch today."
"I’m not saying my mother was strict. She just didn’t show me any type of special treatment, no matter how popular I was becoming."
"I didn’t mind," she says with a smile. "It was kind of fun seeing my father so flustered."
"I have no idea what happens next. What happens next? What. Happens. Next?"
"I should hate this for you. I should be angry for you, because going through this must have been excruciatingly painful."
"One of the things I always try to remind myself is that everyone has scars. The only difference is that mine are visible and most people’s aren’t."
"You’re so gorgeous, ’cause you make me feel gorgeous."
"If people are laughing at you, it means you’re putting yourself out there to be laughed at. Not enough people have the courage to even take that step."
"Whether or not the couple ends up together at the end of a book doesn’t determine whether that book has a happy ending or not. As long as the two people end up happy, it doesn’t really matter if they end up happy together."
"You should never be worried when it comes to me."
"I can’t make you pretty in this book, because that would be an insult. You’re fucking beautiful."
"You have to force yourself to make a life before the one you’re not living swallows you whole."
"Goals are achieved through discomfort and hard work. They aren’t achieved when you hide out in a place where you’re nice and cozy."
"I’ve never wanted to say anything like I wanted to say those things to you while I was inside you. It took everything I had not to."
"You can’t just walk away from love and expect it to linger until you’re ready for it."
"I’m not about to compete with a woman who is raising a child on her own, Ben. I won’t be the one who took you from her."
"It’s not about either of them. It’s about this little guy in my arms and what’s best for him."
"I’m pretty sure he says them by accident, though. He mostly talks gibberish."
"But that also scares me, because if I end up not liking sex, I’ll be a little bit disappointed in mankind as a whole."
"The last thing we need is a relationship over a cell phone."
"People don’t get this lucky more than once in the same lifetime."
"When you love someone, you owe it to them to help them be the best version of themselves that they can be."
"Just because he chose not to show you his scars doesn't mean they don't exist."
"When you’re willing to give up the things that mean the most to you just to see someone else happy, that’s real love."
"Loving someone means accepting all the things and people that person loves, too."
"I’ve never loved someone I hate so much, and I’ve never hated someone I love so much."
"She’s put his scars on full display for you, and you need to show him the respect he showed you by not turning away from them."
"You won’t question it. You don’t wonder if what you feel is actually love, because when it is, you’ll be absolutely terrified that you’re in it."
"Nothing I can say would ever make my feet worthy enough to walk on the same ground you walk upon."
"You are never to leave the slightest traceable connection to what happened tonight. Never look those people up online. Never drive by their house again."
"I don’t deserve to live. I don’t deserve to live."
"Cancer isn’t one of the players in the game. Cancer is the game."
"Youth and beauty fade. Human decency doesn’t."
"Every day I wake up and I tell myself that today will be better."
"I’m not excusing that he can be an insensitive jerk. But he’s also always loved me."
"I’ve only known you to go on one date, and that was over two years ago."
"Spoiler alert. They lived happily ever after."