
Nyxia Quotes

Nyxia by Scott Reintgen

Nyxia Quotes
"Everything about him whispers king. It’s in the set of his shoulders and the sound of his voice and the quiet power of his walk."
"I like playing games, but I like winning games even more."
"The reward for your efforts will be beyond your imagination."
"If they push you to the very edge, what you do?"
"When they knock you down, and they will, don’t you quit on me."
"Never forget who you are and where you come from."
"All I have to do is win Babel’s game and I’ll go home a king."
"The brighter the colors, the more likely something dark is hiding underneath."
"I don’t have to be perfect. I just have to be better than the other guy."
"I didn’t want to hurt him. I felt bad on the inside."
"I can’t stop thinking about what Roathy said at the beginning. About all of us being poor."
"You need to take a shower. Maybe two showers."
"But who needs that when you have me? Get comfortable."
"If we team up, it’ll feel like we’re coming back every day to a safe place. I want to feel like I’m coming home."
"Every employee fulfills multiple roles on this ship."
"We’re all broken. They picked us because we’re broken."
"Different kinds of brokenness have different colors."
"The pieces of broken people can be put back any which way."
"If you’re going to hit someone like that, you better make sure they don’t get back up."
"Execute the task without emotion. Complete the mission."
"The only good thing about being a black hole is that other black holes recognize you."
"If the most offended can forgive, so can we."
"If you want to give the sentence, you should swing the sword."
"Remember that. You lose yourself to anger and that’s it. It’s a lonely road, and a long one."
"We’re both forgotten. People look past us or through us or around us."
"They say pain is weakness leaving the body. If that’s true, each of us is becoming strong enough to carry worlds on our shoulders."
"Everyone pulls up chairs or sits on cushions. Azima is the last one to join us, and just like that everyone’s gathered, sitting around the same table, except for Longwei."
"All the tension eases out of our tight shoulders and nervous hands."
"For a time, we aren’t competitors vaulting through the endless dark. We’re kids sitting in the back of a classroom."
"We play for hours. Long enough for the lighter conversations to take on weight."
"Is it bad luck if the pink washes completely away?"
"We have learned bits and pieces about the other competitors, but I can’t imagine opening up my weaknesses for the others to exploit."
"Hospitality isn’t optional. It’s the expectation of every honorable man."
"There’s a heaven in him no darkness can take."
"I’m living in a world where most people would prefer if I sat down in the back row, took what the world gave me, and kept my mouth shut."
"Babel pushes us over cliffs and expects us to fly."
"It’s taken a little longer to remove the physical softness, to carve me into something hard and powerful."
"Failure is not an option. Second place is a mark of shame."
"But getting here won’t be enough. A twisted ankle or a punctured lung or a broken bone can stop my point flow at any time."
"If tomorrow wasn’t Sabbath, I’d probably have taken the day off to get my knee looked at."
"She knows how to take her deep breaths offstage."
"The only thing I have to hold against her is that she might be the one who takes what’s mine."
"Hope’s a funny thing that way. No matter how many times she’s not there, I always have more for the next time."
"Discovering the no-grav room only made her more curious."
"We still dig and fight and scrape for each point, but there’s something human beneath every mask now."
"The magic Bilal created for us starts to slip through every finger."
"We’re the youngest people to ever go into space. Pretty sure that’s a big deal."
"Famous people are corrupt. They are unhappy. Everyone knows this."
"The real injuries are beneath the surface, though."
"I know I’ll fight for her. I know I’ll keep going, even if I don’t deserve to be here when she’s not."
"Babel’s just as dark and dangerous as we always imagined they were."
"We’re slaves. Babel has the food, the money, the spaceship."
"If Babel’s going to keep us in chains, I’ll go where they can’t follow."
"I hate that we’re thinking about beating each other instead of honoring the person we’ve lost."
"They don’t know that we have twenty curtains and twenty wizards."
"No one on this ship can take that away from you. No one but yourself."
"One wrong word or objection could take us back to the beginning and remove me from leadership."
"No? Then we’ll start each day off by throwing you overboard. You’ll get no points."
"I can feel them through the nyxian links, like we’re all part of the same body."
"They typically carve grotesques onto the prow. How’d you break free?"
"If this part of the competition depends on teamwork, he’ll need us to move up the scoreboard."
"We’re all reaching for the same prizes. The finish line will be chaos."
"I’d only need to reach out to tap into their link."
"I don’t break my promises, Emmett. Not even for you."
"I don’t really care what he calls them; I just want to scrape together one or two unexpected victories."
"It’s a simple equation. When she wins, I lose."
"I’m not a monster. I won’t become what Babel’s trying to make me."
"I was born to grind. If I can just keep fighting, maybe it will be me who breaks those chains."
"I can’t. As much as I’d love to, the Adamites will not allow it."
"Change the dynamic. Think like Kaya used to think. Remember her strategy in the Rabbit Room? You have to change how the game works."
"I’ve watched the other students. Morning? She’s brilliant, of course. But Loche? He’ll go down to Eden and treat it like a vacation."
"You remind me of myself, Emmett. I came from nothing to where I am now. I worked hard for everything I have."
"It wasn’t just an extension of my desires. It took control. It acted like a living, breathing being."
"You will be glad that you are not like them. You’ll be glad that you showed mercy to those who did not deserve it."
"For the first time, I let myself imagine Eden. It’s full of uncharted wild. Populated by a species about which we know next to nothing."
"Babel says I will be given another chance. I’m not sure what it will be, but perhaps I’ll see you on Eden after all. If I do not, then I will wait for you back home. I am thankful to have such a friend. My home is open to you." - Bilal
"Your activation key. The pods are individualized. You’ll need the key to enter the pod. Once it’s closed and prepped, you’ll use the key to launch. Understood?"
"Continue to work as you have, and you will live out the rest of your life as a very, very rich man."
"Not everything is lost or broken. There’s still hope."
"I wanted you to win. After that second day, when you held my hand. I wanted you down on Eden with me. You—I’m just glad it’s you, okay?"
"Fight or die, they said. If I let you go, the pod launches and the room vacuums. If I let you go, I get sucked out to space. This was always the plan. Always."
"I will not be the executioner Babel wants me to be."
"Don’t forget any of it. Don’t forget who put you in this room and why they put you here. Don’t forget that I’m the one who had a chance to kill you and didn’t take it. Don’t forget that I let you live, when they would have let you die."