
The Wife Upstairs Quotes

The Wife Upstairs by Freida McFadden

The Wife Upstairs Quotes
"If I had hesitated even half a second, everything would have been different."
"I’ve never done anything heroic in my entire life."
"I saved her life. For the first time in my life, I’m a hero."
"Are people really this rude? Do they think this is some new game we’re playing where we chase down cans rolling across the sidewalk?"
"She’s going to sue me for everything I’ve got? Well, good luck. My bank account is mostly cobwebs at this point."
"I think there was a different president in office at the time. Kevin Spacey was still a respected actor. Brad and Angelina were a happy couple."
"I’m new at this saving people’s lives business. Does it always end up so crappily?"
"If fate exists, then all I can say is it doesn’t like me very much."
"I’m just feeling antsy because I’ve lived in the city for so long—that’s all it is."
"She was really smart. I mean, really smart. She’s a nurse practitioner and she used to work in an ER."
"It’s the right consistency," Maggie says. "And it doesn’t taste bad. I’ve had it."
"Maybe I can make her something better in the future."
"I suppose instant microwave oatmeal and a jar of apple baby food isn’t all that impressive."
"My goal is to get Victoria to eat an entire meal instead of three bites like last night."
"She’s always really groggy when she first gets up."
"Feel free to do whatever you need to do for the next couple of hours."
"Every night we don’t spend together is just… frustrating."
"I could be happy with a Big Mac and a large french fries if I had him with me."
"That’s typical. She’s always really groggy when she first gets up."
"Every day over the last week, I’ve tried to feed her breakfast for nearly an hour, then ended up having to do the tube feeds anyway."
"But I guess I did slightly have some doubts."
"It’s hard work but the weather won’t hold up forever, so we may as well take advantage."
"I’m not going to let you destroy your future."
"The only reason you’re still with me is that you feel responsible for my parents kicking me out and losing our baby."
"I debate going back downstairs to get the flashlight, but I’m scared to descend the stairs without a flashlight in hand."
"I finally feel a flash of relief when my fingers close around a cylindrical object."
"It’s pitch black inside Victoria’s room. The only sound is the rain pounding against her window."
"Adam wants to get married sooner rather than later. He’s really excited about the whole thing."
"He reached across the candlelit table to take my hand."
"I think it’s silly that we can’t share a tube of toothpaste."
"We’re not going to get married for a little while. And it will be a small wedding, so we can plan it quickly."
"I’m sorry." My voice breaks. "I just don’t want to see you anymore."
"Are you seriously going to make me complete that sentence? Victoria has major brain damage."
"I’d be okay with it just being the two of us. Maybe at a courthouse. Or Vegas, if you’d like that better."
"I’m going crazy with boredom, but once I have a baby, that will occupy a lot more of my time."
"I have to protect this baby. That’s why no matter what, I need to get out of this house."
"If somebody stole my card, I had to report it and cancel it ASAP."
"If you don’t want to come, just stay up here."
"You need to get this jealousy under control, Victoria."
"I've never had that medication before, so I'm guessing two will be enough to knock me out."
"I can’t even begin to describe what’s been going on here. I’m not even going to try."
"The only person I’ve ever been close to in the last seven years is this man."
"I’m starting to feel drowsy. It’s a nice sensation. Sort of like floating."
"It’s still snowing in the morning. I don’t know how that’s possible."
"I thought she’d be better out here on the island, but it just got worse."
"And then I see the trap door on the ground. Why would a shed have a trap door?"
"I feel dizzy. I don’t know if it’s from what he’s telling me or from the concussion."
"You’re not supposed to have a favorite child."