
Fallen Quotes

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Fallen Quotes
"This lifeless paper, cruel imposter, was the only way to take her with him."
"Every day now she approached him, and every day was more difficult than the one before."
"Her mere proximity gave him the most peculiar sensation, like the kind of heat sent out when a log shatters to ash in a fire."
"It was why he was leaving in the morning—for India, for the Americas, he didn’t know or care."
"Warm milk with a spoonful of treacle, It helps you sleep."
"Some things are more important than love. You won’t understand, but you have to trust me."
"I sail tomorrow. If you care for me at all, you won’t say another word."
"No one really knows. He holds pretty tight to his mystery man persona."
"We all do what we can to make it through the day."
"The shadows swirled directly overhead, so close, he wondered whether she could hear what they were whispering."
"Sometimes I just can’t breathe in there. I guess I like the heat."
"They’re always supposed to let you win your first race here. Unspoken code of conduct for us old-timers."
"I’ve always liked that one. I just like how the headstone explains the way he died. It’s honest, you know?"
"I can hardly remember my bleak life before you."
"Location is negligible. Where I grew up, things weren’t so different from the penitentiary-style living at Sword Cross."
"What about your faith in the power of transformation?"
"I’m starting to think you’re a little bit strange."
"There y’all are!" A breathless voice pulled Luce right out of the moment.
"Why on earth would you be doing such a thing?"
"You’ll have twenty minutes’ access to the Internet to begin researching your own family tree."
"Daniel? Do you have a problem with this assignment?"
"If she’s going to find out eventually, why sugarcoat it?"
"I didn’t see what happened to him. We were together and then somehow we were thrown apart."
"I think it’d be good for us both to stay busy, keep our minds off things."
"I overheard Randy on the phone with Todd’s parents. I think they’re filing a lawsuit."
"Yes, Lucinda is a serious student. She had no ill will toward Todd Hammond."
"I'll tell you everything I know. I don’t have anything to hide."
"I hope they didn’t wear you out," Randy said, lurking in the doorway with an unsympathetic frown.
"You're my love, Lucinda. For me, you're all there is."
"We meet. We always meet, somehow we’re always thrown together."
"The person I fall in love with each time is you."
"You fall in love with me, and I with you. And it kills you."
"I'm trying to say ... I guess you could say I'm damned, too, Luce."
"It’s not about the kiss this time, it’s about what it means."
"I get to live, and to watch babies being born, and grow up, and fall in love."
"I watch them have babies of their own and grow old. I watch them die."
"You don’t get to have babies and grow old, Luce."
"None of it mattered if they got to Daniel before she could."
"I have to stay," she said, "I have to find Daniel. You should go back to the dorm, Penn. Please."
"This is not good! There’s supposed to be an order to things!"
"The shadows you see are called Announcers. They look bad, but they can’t hurt you."
"You’re an angel, Daniel, I know it," she said.
"I would say it’s nothing personal, Lucinda, but actually, it is," she cackled.
"I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment alone with you."
"You think that’s bad, you should see what you’re missing outside."