
Off Season Quotes

Off Season by Jack Ketchum

Off Season Quotes
"My God! My God! Must I die like this?" – Jack Slade
"Sodom and Gomorrah, they run the roadhouse." – John Cougar
"Stupid, she thought, stupid to start crying now."
"She felt as if something were already dead inside her."
"I'm here to haul my way through a book on Fifties rock 'n' roll."
"First she'd see if the fireplace was working."
"Life was life; and to suppose that, like anything else, the crab had found its evil little niche."
"There's dogshit on the mat," she said. "Welcome to the country."
"My God, he thought. He reached into the darkness and for a moment panic seized him."
"He heard Clan curse again and shove Laura into the car and slam the door."
"He had five chambers full when they attacked him."
"He fired and saw the first boy's chest go black and the bullet's impact slam him hard against the house."
"Nick raised the gun again. But before he had a chance to fire the boy screeched and fell, clutching the back of his neck."
"Marjie had Laura by the collar and pushed her screaming through the front door."
"She saw Nick's gun go off against the girl and saw the boy's knife slash across his chest."
"How bad is it?" she said. Nick grinned. "I heard that one before," he said.
"She looked into his eyes and his face was terrible, his teeth all black and foul, his scent the scent of blood."
"She saw that Laura was doomed and felt a surprising contempt for her."
"She imagined those hands on Carla and brought the heavy pot around."
"The huge man beside her began to rise in the shadows."
"The wounded women and children began to whimper. He motioned them back to the fire."
"He watched the door and window for signs of movement, ready to spring away at any moment."
"The rest of what they heard outside was Laura's ghostly keening wail."
"There was perhaps a single second of utter silence, as wild and terrible as the fighting."
"She saw those grubby little children standing over her broken, crippled body."
"State Trooper Dale Willis got out of his car, propped his big feet in front of him, and leaned against the door."
"The photographer was going to be a busy man."
"The room seemed to close up tight around her. Outside they pounded on the door."
"If she had to die this way, she didn't want to see it."
"She felt her flesh retreat and tighten against the slow, even pressure, the growing ache."
"Suddenly she could picture herself falling against the knife. Don't move!"
"She was naked now, naked and be slimed with his tips."
"Her hatred of him remained, a thick knot inside her."
"She tasted blood on her lips and felt it flow from her nostrils."
"She watched him pull off the filthy jeans and saw his cock leap free."
"In her mind two thoughts blended and began to weld together into a single construct."
"She reared back and spit away the stinking stump."
"She saw the moonlight peeking through the entranceway and raced toward the clean scent of the sea."
"They pressed him on, despite his fear--their urgency a dim call to the depths of his compassionless soul."
"She cleared her throat with difficulty and spoke to one of the doctors or paramedics."
"It's ruined my ears. She wondered if she was going to hear again."
"She touched the doctor's hand. It did not seem to be a strong hand."
"The wires were studded with wooden poles, like dark stab wounds in the flesh of morning."