
The Perfect Husband Quotes

The Perfect Husband by Lisa Gardner

The Perfect Husband Quotes
"Once he'd been hungry, now he looked at her and was full."
"These were the same duties she'd had since she was twelve and he'd listened to her father tell her half a dozen times in a single afternoon that she would never be smart enough to do anything more."
"He knew the moment he had her. He registered the precise instant the wariness left her gaze and was replaced by vulnerable, tremulous hope."
"He's dying. He's in a lot of pain. He wants to know why his son isn't here."
"I don't need you to care, Mr. Dillon. I don't need you to give a… a rat's ass about me. I want you to train me anyway."
"I bet when this Jim guy hit you, you took it. I bet when anyone threatens you, you curl up in a little ball and you survive."
"You want to do this, Angela? Are you serious about this? Forget the damn gun, grow a backbone instead."
"Know what your problem is? You think too much."
"If it helps, picture my head on the target." He smiled sweetly.
"You ever play sports?" "Sports?" "Sports, Angela. You know, football, basketball, hockey, swimming, whatever."
"Housewives don't do the Iron Man," she snapped.
"You have to find the zone." "The zone?" "The zone. You ever play sports?"
"It's not such a great thing to know how to do, shooting a gun."
"The weak will not inherit the earth. It'll go to the people who can run the distance and still stand at the end."
"Stop flinching, stop jumping. Start focusing. Maybe you gotta learn to hate."
"I was just a kid, a mixed-up kid, and he chose me for just that reason."
"What the hell are you doing? You're not paying attention."
"I don't care what your mama told you, the weak will not inherit the earth."
"You shot your husband? What else was I supposed to do? Let him beat me to death with a baseball bat?"
"You're better off. He wasn't strong enough for you, Marion."
"I don't mind so much being your brother. I'll try not to embarrass you."
"I will not play that game again. You hear me? I will not play that game!"
"You have to be able to cut your losses, to move on. But J.T. can't seem to do that."
"I knew you better than you think. I believe in you more than you do."
"You think I won't take what you offer? You think I'll come to my senses at the last minute and walk away?"
"I'm sorry, but how was I supposed to live like that?"
"He's dying and you will never get to wrap up loose ends."
"I offered her police protection. She turned me down. She won't come in."
"But he'll kill again. Until we find him, he'll pursue Tess Williams and he'll pursue others."
"Let's just hope she doesn't do anything stupid."
"Dammit!" she cried. Then she did hit him. In the shoulder, hard.
"I should've stayed with Sam," she whispered miserably. "I should've stayed with my daughter."
"A psychopath is a complex creature. In many ways, however, we can compare him to a particularly bad child."
"Discipline is the key,' that's what he likes to say."
"Murderers talk about a feeling of euphoria similar to a runner's high."
"In short, the killer becomes thoughtless and vulnerable."
"No place was safe. No place could remain untouched."
"I believe it's all aimed at getting you, Ms. Williams."
"It's a Lawrence Talbert requesting ‘Coroner Quincy.'"
"Most serial killers are male. Maybe part of it's hormones, but certainly it's also behavioral."
"Opportunities were not given. They were made."