
The Alloy Of Law Quotes

The Alloy Of Law by Brandon Sanderson

The Alloy Of Law Quotes
"I wanted to move away from the idea of fantasy worlds as static places, where millennia would pass and technology would never change."
"If you ever need anything shot properly, he’s the one to call."
"The point of telling you all of this, however, is to explain that it would be impossible to list all of the people who have helped me along the years."
"I’ve been playing cards too much with Wayne lately."
"He had a squarish face. A strong face, with lips that often rose slightly at the right side in a half smile."
"We all are. Did you like my show? I worked so hard to build it."
"I have seen God, lawkeeper, I have seen Death himself, with the nails in his eyes."
"A firm hand. None of this rabble-rousing he’s been used to."
"None of these crimes make much sense, my lord."
"I have a moral right and responsibility, constable."
"I’m sorry, constable. Old habits make for strong steel. I should have restrained myself, but would you have done any different? Would you have watched women being kidnapped and done nothing?"
"I once shot the tail off a dog by mistake. It’s kind of a funny story."
"It is not my place to lecture, my lord. Once one becomes a man, he can and must make his own decisions. But I do offer warning. Even a good thing can become destructive if taken to excess."
"The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones."
"Even a good thing can become destructive if taken to excess."
"Funny, how quickly someone can stop calling you a miscreant and a rogue when they want your help."
"A tiny change can result in creating an entirely new person. How like metals we are."
"If you remove the foundation of trust from a relationship, then what is the point of that relationship?"
"I feel so spoiled. And you seem hesitant about something. Is it the sulfur?"
"When a man sees a broken window in a building, he's more likely to rob or commit other crimes, since he figures nobody cares."
"Lawkeeping and philosophy are both about questions."
"The trick to shooting with a pistol is to be steady."
"You don't ever get accustomed to people trying to kill you."
"I cried the whole time. I was sixteen. Just a kid."
"Some mistakes, you can’t fix by being sorry. Can’t fix them, no matter what you do."
"Guns and me, we haven’t gotten along ever since. My hand starts shaking when I hold one."
"Some mistakes, though, you can’t fix by being sorry. Can’t fix them, no matter what you do."
"Men like him, men like me, we have a choice. Serve the people or serve the wealthy."
"I’ve just decided to set my sights on a more powerful brand of criminal."
"If we’re going to change things, we need to change them here, first."
"Fifteen years I spent out in the Roughs, trying to protect the weak. And you know what? It never got better."
"I’m not going to start killing beggars, Clamps. You’d be surprised at how quickly something like that can backfire."
"Even if their methods go beyond what you’d choose yourself."
"The more alone you are, the more you need a man you can trust at your side."
"Change didn’t scare Miles. Change was an opportunity, a chance to become something you were not."
"He never got headaches, never felt tired, never had sore muscles, never dealt with colds or pain."
"For a brief moment, he knew that sense of freedom."
"The black-coated babysitters dropped beside him."
"Every bit of aluminum they had left had gone for guns and bullets."
"He was loyal enough, though he had joined up for the thrill of robbery rather than the purpose of any cause."
"Miles questioned himself often. Was that the mark of a lack of dedication?"
"But gold was not completely useless. Just mostly so."
"He was two people at once, and each one loathed the other."
"He hated anything that broke with the strict order of the law."
"There was really nothing sacred about the law."
"He was like a man swatting mosquitoes while ignoring the gash in his leg."
"Either way, he liked to think that burning his gold on occasion helped him."
"It disturbed him how much the two people he became hated each other."
"Miles couldn’t be killed, and his men knew it."
"It was too late to change one’s aim when the hammer was already falling."
"The measure of a person is not how much they have lived."
"A man can take it off, Lady Marasi. But he can never stop wearing it."
"It’s not bad at all," he said. "I am arrogant and foolhardy."
"This indicates that you know where the Vanishers will strike."
"I once saw him stare down six men with guns trained on him, and he didn’t break a sweat."
"The point is Harmony, creating a way for as many as possible to make their own choices."
"If you find a building without rats, son, then you know that something more dangerous scared them away."
"I don’t expect you to hit him. I’ll listen for the sound of the shot."
"Waxillium? If you’re done playing, perhaps you’d like to come settle things."
"Waxillium froze, pulse accelerating. But no, this was part of the plan."
"The greatest of men can be taken down by the simplest of things."
"You are just a sword, a tool that goes where it's pointed."
"The more alone you are, the more important it is to have someone you can rely upon."
"I can’t do this. I can’t watch another one die. Not by my hand."
"You let yourself get isolated and distracted, Miles."
"I’ll start helping them, Miles. I promise it to you."