
Nine Liars Quotes

Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson

Nine Liars Quotes
"This was England. There was always rain in the future."
"Undeniably true on all counts, our Julian is in all ways arse."
"I just want Rosie to know she did the right thing."
"One of us should have killed him a long time ago."
"The most romantic of the group, with an easily broken heart."
"Angela, who had dropped down onto the gravel of the drive and was flapping her shirt to air out her chest, groaned in reply."
"It’s now or never. Maybe we need to take action."
"If you didn’t take your shirt off the drying rack fast enough, it would be claimed by someone else."
"I can’t help it if he likes me. And it saved me almost twenty quid."
"This was England at its finest—the Hundred Acre Wood, the magical forest, the green and pleasant land of yore."
"The rest of the grounds were quilted in a pattern of walled brick gardens and paths."
"Peter would carry on. You know our ambitious boy can’t be stopped."
"Well, first thing, I’d say you have to feel comfortable. It’s about what makes you feel sexy."
"Everything was wrong with everything Janelle suggested."
"I think whatever works for you is the right thing."
"She had ambitions for the flight—things she was going to read, homework she was going to do."
"Dinner came around and Stevie accepted the item described only as 'chicken.'"
"She tried to respond, but her phone was slow in recognizing its new location."
"I’ll try to see you tonight. What the actual hell?"
"Oh good, I was hoping for some weird tension."
"I’m saying shit follows us around. I give it three days."
""I think one of my friends murdered someone. I was there."
"My friends. The ones who were killed. The lock was off the door."
"Her guard was down, but she was speaking with absolute clarity."
"That card isn’t working. Do you have another?"
"Murderers are assholes. That’s their defining quality."
"People say fish and chips. No. It's the doner kebab."
"A little bit of fakery is all it takes to murder someone and get away with it."
"Everything took a long time to build. And then it would burn."
"It was a good question to ask to get people to open up and talk."
"She was incredibly loyal. If you had a problem, day or night, Rosie was there for you."
"We’re going to do all we can. I’ve been posting online. Whatever you need from us, you ask."
"You have all of us. And we never leave each other alone."
"Lies, she noted, took energy. They weighed a lot."
"You can’t just turn up to Merryweather with a fire safe like that was normal."
"The last time she speaks on this chain. The call comes right after Sebastian asks her to ring."
"It’s not very restorative to have an entire bedroom land on you."
"You’re always running after whatever shows up in front of you, but you can’t do that forever."
"This provided enough clarity to dry himself off and change into the jeans and T-shirt."
"This wasn’t ideal, but they could certainly explain that they needed to clean some clothes and towels after a night spent playing in the rain and mud."
"It was like Theo and Sebastian came from another world—they were ghosts in the world of the living, the world of the before."
"I’ll do it," he said. "You’ve been doing all the lifting."
"There’s something we have to do first, and we need to do it right now," she said.
"We need bin bags," she said. "Lots of them. And gloves. Washing-up gloves will do."
"Keep it together, Theo," she said to herself.
"We have to cut the rope handle because it had blood on it," Theo continued.
"It’s not anyone’s fault," Peter said. "No one’s fault. It was what we had to do," Julian concluded.
"Do you know where my aunt is?" Izzy said to them.
"I know why you think you did it," Janelle said. "You think you did it because you had to help Angela and you had to get us all here any way you could."
"We can’t screw up our lives on hunches, Stevie. We need to plan, and we need to trust each other."
"I won’t do it again," Stevie said. "I promise."
"I’ve missed these kinds of nights," he said. "You solve everything, all hell breaks loose."
"She tightened her jaw and put in earbuds and blasted Britpop at herself. Get into the feeling of the time."
"Did people come to the airport just to set their money on fire?"
"She spent the last of her English cash on a giant bottle of water and a candy bar."
"Left unattended, even for a few days, houses take on a strange feel."
"What the hell am I missing, Doorknob?" she asked.
"Angela knew something was wrong about that night."
"It's so lonely. Did that make you feel better, having everyone in on a lie?"