
If I Had Your Face Quotes

If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

If I Had Your Face Quotes
"I'd never heard of room salons before I met Kyuri, but now that I know what to look for, I see one on every side street."
"Writing down words by hand feels more akin to speaking."
"In the original story, the little mermaid lost her voice but got it back later and lived happily ever after."
"The first thing Sujin taught me was how to use my fingernails."
"Sometimes, when people ask me how it happened, I tell them that it was because of a boy. He broke my heart and I lost my voice."
"The hate mothers-in-law harbor toward their daughters-in-law is built into the genes of all women in this country."
"It is still amazing to me how comfortable people my age look as they walk in and out of marbled lobbies with disposable coffee cups in hand."
"She was a born collector with a devastating eye, who could make harmony out of the myriad pieces she purchased."
"Just because you buy a bunch of expensive things doesn't mean you have a collection."
"I understood what she meant though. Her eye wasn't exactly a gift, but more of an instinct, as natural to her as melancholia, or distrust."
"For all its millions of people, Korea is the size of a fishbowl and someone is always looking down on someone else."
"Sometimes, I would just stare at her as she was working. She cut a striking figure, no matter what she was doing."
"I've never heard of it," said another SVA girl when I told her the name of my public middle school in Korea. "Which neighborhood is it in again?"
"I wish I could have lied about my schools anyway. For all its millions of people, Korea is the size of a fishbowl."
"The only reason they took me in here is because Sujin badgered the owner for months about giving me a try, and then I worked without pay for three months in gratitude."
"My friends and I, we used to roam with, they all live with despair now, I can tell you that."
"I know how she thinks. And that's the problem. Because I know there isn't anything that can change her except time and inevitable misfortune."
"I'm just jealous she can diet without even noticing she's hungry."
"I never expected Sujin to actually make it on her own, but she left the first chance she could."
"I understood they were now worried that no normal man would marry me."
"I have always thought of hope as a natural folly of youth that should be discarded as soon as possible."
"You will keep doing things you never expected to do. You will be affected in ways you could never imagine."
"I want to know what the cops are saying. There is a middle-aged one, who is bored and annoyed, and a rookie, who is standing with his mouth agape."
"It's a long story that is embarrassing to tell."
"It's not about the money. It's about what kind of man would appreciate pink hair!"
"His voice is nice: it quickened in excitement whenever he talked about things he liked."
"I don't know, I feel like I would be all kinds of messed up if I'd had to go through what you went through—no offense."
"She was also the one who left a specific budget for art supplies when she died abruptly, leaving all of her own money to the Center."
"Trust her to prick a man's pride and self-righteousness for a nudge in her desired direction."
"When I got there, I vowed to get out as fast as I could."
"They are no better than the gutter trash who come around selling lubricants and 'handmade' dresses."
"I have several texts. One is from the manager, who says that I shouldn't worry because business has not been affected at all."
"You were so good to me that it hurt me to hear you were getting married."
"I will take a suicidal amount of debt at the shop because of what happened."
"I am shaking as I finish composing the text and press send."
"I am glad, then, that I will never love someone again in this way."
"The best art comes from an unbearable life--if you live through it, that is."
"I cannot start now, when I am in the midst of my Ruby series."
"I am working on yet another Ruby sculpture when the director of the department comes barging in."
"I love these glass bottles filled with sunrise-colored liquids in my beautiful Italian fridge."
"As for Hanbin, I don't need Kyuri or Hanbin's mother to know that he will not be my salvation."
"Sometimes, when he is holding me, I wonder if anything else in my life will seem real after this."
"I remember my aunt telling my cousin Kyunghee and me, when we were small, that my grandmother had died of anger."
"I have no idea what your younger years will look like, other than some very vivid visions of me holding you in my arms."
"I have never met a mute! Wow, this room salon gets more interesting every time I come here."
"I wish I had a talent that had decided my vocation for me."
"Just go. It will do so much, trust me. Older people, that's all they want--for others to say they are sorry and make a gesture first."
"The worst that can happen is that things stay the same."
"It's no secret that this industry is not what it used to be and everything is hard. Everyone is having a hard time."
"What made them pick her? She looks stupidly timid and not pretty at all."
"You are a walking advertisement for their clinic."
"I understand what it would be like to think only about tomorrow, instead of just today."