
Twenties Girl Quotes

Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Twenties Girl Quotes
"The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them. It’s for their own good."
"Sometimes I think we’d do better as dandelion seeds—no family, no history, just floating off into the world, each on our own piece of fluff."
"My parents don’t say 'Josh' out loud anymore, because of the way I used to dissolve into heaving sobs whenever I heard his name."
"You can’t just switch off your feelings because the other person did, can you?"
"Mum’s always been a worrier. She gets this tense smile with distant, frightened eyes, and you just know she’s playing out some apocalyptic scenario in her head."
"I’m not romantic! I exclaim, as though this is a deadly insult."
"I can’t just say, 'Oh right! So your plan is, we never see each other again, never make love again, never talk or communicate in any way. Fab idea, Josh, why didn’t I think of that?'"
"I know I look all right sometimes. I have a heart-shaped face, wide-set green eyes, and a few freckles over my nose."
"You’ve got to look like a mover and a shaker."
"That’s true. And maybe he won’t order very much."
"I mean, he’s sporty. He won’t be a big eater."
"No one drinks at business lunches these days."
"I’m sitting on a transparent chair at a white-clothed table."
"Every time I spot a price, I feel a fresh swoop of horror."
"I feel a bit giddy. I’m going to be paying off this lunch for the rest of my life."
"I still can’t believe Josh is taking this girl to Bistro Martin. How can he? It’s our place."
"That’s the shirt I gave him for his birthday."
"I’m in the middle of typing a confirmation email to Jean about Flash when the phone rings."
"I was just thinking what it was about her and me that went wrong."
"I’ll phone some more this evening. I have to work now."
"If a love affair is one-sided, then it’s only ever a question, never an answer."
"You can’t live your life waiting for an answer."
"There are other men, there are other countries, there are other lives to live."
"Relationships are complicated things, and other people shouldn’t barge in and think they know all about it."
"If he doesn’t want you back … you might as well wish the sky were red."
"But if a love affair is one-sided, then it’s only ever a question, never an answer."
"You could spend your whole life hoping and believing!"
"Don’t you see that, you stupid girl? You could spend your whole life hoping and believing!"
"Matching the perfect person with the perfect job."
"Maybe they would if it was the right job, though."
"I'm not laughing at you, I'm inspired by your theory."
"Sometimes, it's the theory that keeps us going."
"There's something about being understood that lowers your guard."
"Even the worst situations have a way of working out."
"I never knew what I wanted, until it was right in front of me."
"Sometimes, the best partnerships are born out of friendship."
"It's not about how you fall, it's about how you get back up."
"Realizing the truth can be more painful than living a lie."
"In the whirlwind of life, sometimes the unexpected happens."
"A moment of realization can change everything."
"There's a certain bravery in facing the truth."
"When one door closes, another opens, often unexpectedly."
"Life is an unpredictable journey of learning and growing."
"Embrace the unexpected, for it can lead to great things."
"In the face of adversity, our true strengths are revealed."
"Discovering your path often comes from the most unexpected places."
"In life's chaos, we find our true purpose and direction."
"I live in London! I say, nettled at his expression. It’s different! I can see them anytime I want, when the occasion arises. It’s just that … the occasion has never arisen."
"You have an evil streak!" I say as soon as we’re out of earshot. Ed thinks about this for a moment, then gives me a disarming grin.
"I’m sorry. You seemed so into the idea, and I thought it would be cool to go around with you. But we can go someplace else."
"Aren’t you interested in the heritage of your great city? Don’t you think it’s criminal to ignore these unique historic monuments—"
"The only people who go to those seminars will be self-deluding fantasists, and the only person who’ll make any money is your uncle."
"I feel like I’m finally stepping out of some trance. I was so busy chasing after him, so desperate, so sure of myself, I never looked closely enough at what I was chasing."
"The truth is, he was laid-back because he didn’t really care. Not about me. Not enough, anyway."
"It was a mutual decision. They were total assholes, anyway; they never appreciated me properly—"
"I don’t need the day off!" I explode. "I need you to be honest! You lied about being fired from your last job!"
"I don’t have to think about that now. If she wants me, she knows where to find me."
"He probably thought he was too good for a normal relationship."
"I was happy when I wore it… I felt beautiful. Like a goddess."
"The detail and brushwork are just exquisite."
"I’ll write it down. And I know it was her because…"
"I often come and look at her in my lunchtimes. Just to cheer myself up."
"I heave a sigh, screw up a piece of paper, and throw it into the bin."
"I want to rush in and yell, ‘Stop it, everybody! It wasn’t two little coins! It was my great-aunt’s fortune!’"
"Lord, I call on you to bless all who work in this building."
"I prefer to keep a low profile, like a superhero who vanishes namelessly into the darkness and doesn’t need any reward other than doing good."
"I had an instinct something was wrong... but no one would listen to me."
"I had a general instinct that something was amiss, so I chose to follow up my suspicions on my own."
"It’s only what you’re owed, Dad. He stole it from you."
"Sometimes there isn’t a good side. There isn’t an excuse."
"Your brother’s success cast a long shadow over our family. Now it’s time for us all to be free."
"He’s an American consultant over on assignment. His name’s Ed."
"You don’t watch people having sex! There are laws against that!"
"I can’t eat my pizza. I can’t make proper conversation."
"A breeze rustles some leaves on the ground, and Sadie looks up, pale and resolute."
"She looks so tiny and shriveled. So vulnerable."
"My chest feels so constricted I can barely breathe."
"Thank you so much for being here today at this occasion of sadness, celebration, festivity…"
"She was an amazing woman. She was sharp, funny, brave, outrageous… and she treated life as the most massive adventure."
"Your family is your history. Your family is part of who you are."
"It’s easy to discount family. It’s easy to take them for granted."
"I did her justice. At least I think I did. I hope I did."
"I’m so proud of the way you skewered Uncle Bill."
"Mum … you’re different. You seem less stressed. What happened?"
"It was almost as though I could hear … A voice in my head."
"Everything’s going to be all right, stop worrying!"
"I find things don’t bother me quite as much."
"There’s something. And I’ll tell you about it. One day."
"You did great by your aunt. Shame she didn’t see it."