
Vicious Prince Quotes

Vicious Prince by Rina Kent

Vicious Prince Quotes
"I’d already decided the end before I’d even started."
"Some are born for peopling; I was born for anything that doesn’t include that."
"Why? Because I was never interested in fitting in."
"You can’t covet something you never actually wanted or even thought about."
"They don’t see the constant shadow over my shoulder or the tears trapped in the middle of nowhere."
"There are hormones, neurotransmitters, and endorphins — chemical reactions."
"It’s all in the preparation and the aftermath. The rest is just chaos."
"It’s not rocket science, Elsa. Dad needs help, so I stepped up."
"A sacrifice means slaughtering an animal or a person as an offering to a deity."
"If anything, I’m gaining something valuable."
"Sure, I know the dictionary definition of love, but that’s only theoretical."
"There’s something interesting about war, not the mass destruction or the casualties, but the ways they’ve started."
"The beginning is when you decide how the finale will be."
"He stole my breath, my life, my damn existence."
"Wars are Death’s playground. It’s where he harvests souls and leaves the remaining ones desolate."
"You’re always a victim of war, whether by losing a loved one or your property or both."
"And right now, Ronan appears ready to make me lose everything."
"People think knights are your love interests, but mine is Dad, Ethan."
"You never know what you’ll find unless you destroy some walls."
"Just because you have a pussy doesn’t mean you’re the only one who gets to do things."
"I wish there was a textbook explanation for love, but I can promise you this: the moment you encounter love, you’ll recognize it right here, chérie."
"Why would you be scared of something that will eventually happen? It’s coming anyway, so might as well make the trip towards it worthwhile."
"Every piece in chess and dominos has a purpose."
"I never understood what the expression Dig myself a grave meant until this moment."
"I see it now, his name — the reason he’s nicknamed Death."
"I am the slave of what I have spoken, but the master of what I conceal."
"It’s like the club all over again — me on my knees waiting for someone to set me free, even if just for the night."
"We’re like a mouse trapped in a maze, always ending up on the same dark street."
"I can’t stop waiting for something from him. Not that I would forgive him that easily for what he did, but still."
"Her hair partially covers her face as she rests her head on my chest and her fingers splay on my abdomen — her tiny, black fingernails."
"The most painful scars are the invisible ones."
"You never get enough no matter how much you get. You never stop, as if all your brakes have disappeared."
"All disasters start with a change. Like that night."
"I don’t blush. Ever. Just like I don’t feel like hugging people, and yet I’ve been doing both of those things lately."
"Pain is weakness, and I hate thinking about or reliving the last time I was weak."
"It’s because you’re my miracle that I want to spend whatever time I have left with you."
"I can’t live in a world where Ronan hates me, so it’s only fair I pay for my sins in this life."
"I’m not interested in your destinations, Dad. Lars needs the details."
"I’m a fraud, Ronan. I didn’t get engaged to you because of Dad’s company, although that did play a part."
"The little girl who was violated over and over again never left me."
"I’ve been plotting Edric’s demise when he didn’t do a thing."
"I’ll fix everything. Starting with the mess Eduard left behind."