
Girl, Missing Quotes

Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie

Girl, Missing Quotes
"How can anyone work out who they are, unless they know where they come from?"
"A lot of unpleasant things grow in test tubes."
"Boys are like puppies. All they need is affection and fresh air. Girls are much harder work."
"My life. My identity. My past. But their decision."
"Children don’t just vanish for no reason. You must have been taken deliberately."
"After all this time, it’s really happening. We’re bringing her home."
"I was Martha. And the dark-haired woman on the beach was my real mother."
"I had to go through with my plan if I hadn’t had Jam with me."
"I don’t want police and officials and Social Services people taking over."
"I realised I was in deep trouble when Carla started introducing me to her candles."
"I’m going to have to go to Marchfield and steal a look at it for myself."
"That cab driver ripped us off with the change for the fare."
"I was right – it did snow. You guys have been asleep for hours."
"We spent ten years trying to have a baby, Lauren. Eight full IVF cycles and countless other failed attempts. We tried everything. You will never have any idea of what we went through. What your mother went through."
"It’s impossible to explain what it feels like, when something inside your head is more real than your real life."
"Great. A weirdo hermit butcher violin-mender with an axe."
"But Martha Lauren was just the name of a missing girl. And Annie Purditt didn’t look like the beautiful woman in my memory. And I was more alone than ever."
"I’ve worked long hours in a job I hate for eleven years to pay back the money we borrowed."
"Remembering what he’d said earlier I wrote: r u stl mssng me?"
"I stared at him, my whole body trembling with fear and cold and shock. ‘Jam—’ I started."
"I was so nervous now I thought I was going to be sick. My breath was coming in short, sharp gasps."
"But Jam let go of me, then took his PSP out of his pocket and rubbed his thumb over the notches in the back."
"I forced myself to stop crying. I sat up, drew back and wiped my eyes."
"You not allowed in there. Especially not my closet."
"For years this was the only place I could be still."
"Be quiet. It’s just a freak gust of wind."
"I blinked and the hands stopped. Which is when it struck me. This was no freak wind. It was me. I was making everything move."
"Whatever I looked at was moving – violently, angrily. Like I was riding a wave of anger and every time I looked at something that wave crashed down."
"For a second I felt like I was two people: one watching what was going on along with everyone else; the other somehow making it happen."
"I closed my eyes. My heart pounded. How was this happening?"
"I stared at him. Fergus gripped my arm and gave me a little shake. ‘Nico, are you listening to me? This power – moving things ... telekinesis, whatever you want to call it ... I’m telling you it’s evil.’"
"My mouth fell open. How could Fergus possibly know it was me?"
"Madison especially, being so young. She was only eight. My guts twisted thinking about how she must feel."
"I sighed. ‘But I didn’t mean to ... anyway, how did you know? There were three hundred people in the room.’"
"I wanted to know a whole lot more – and, anyway, I can’t control what I’m doing, even if I wanted to."
"How could Fergus know for sure what my mum would have thought?"
"I was sure of it. He must know more. How else could he have worked out so quickly that what he was seeing was telekinesis – and that I was making it happen?"
"But she’d see them and wait for me. My eyes strained across the sand and along the promenade, skipping over each figure, looking for those chestnut braids. She couldn’t have just vanished."
"Stop looking on the beach. Your sister isn’t there. Do NOT contact the police or I will kill her. Go home and wait."