
Valley Of The Dolls Quotes

Valley Of The Dolls by Jacqueline Susann

Valley Of The Dolls Quotes
"New York was steaming—an angry concrete animal caught unawares in an unseasonable hot spell."
"But honest, honey, if I had your looks I’d head straight for John Powers or Conover."
"In Lawrenceville everyone gets married as soon as they get out of school. I’d like to work for a while first."
"You mean you’d marry just anyone? Just anyone who’d give me a nice beaver coat, a part-time maid, and let me sleep till noon each day."
"She hadn’t just left Lawrenceville—she had escaped."
"Unfortunately, kissing isn’t all a man expects after marriage," her mother said stiffly.
"Sex is the connotation you’re placing on love, and let me tell you, young lady, that if and when it does exist, it dies very quickly after marriage—or as soon as the girl learns what it’s all about."
"Don’t forget, Amy, his mother was a Bannister. Ellie Bannister went all through school with our mama."
"But Anne, you have five thousand dollars. Your father left that specifically for you to use as you wished."
"What do you do when you have a lush for a client? A goddam genius, but a lush!"
"You pick the best, and you can’t let your feelings count."
"The minute you start thinking with your heart instead of your head you’ll get clobbered."
"I guess it is hard to have integrity in everything."
"You pick friends that you like, clients for their talent."
"It's the story of my life. I always get kicked in the ass."
"I've been hurt more than any girl alive. I've got nothin'. I just work, work, work—make money for everybody—and I'm so alone."
"I think you’re reading something into it that doesn’t exist."
"I don’t want to go back to Lawrenceville. I’d rather die."
"Their curiosity and natural sex drive led them to try it."
"Never let anyone shame you into doing anything you don’t choose to do."
"I’ll see you then, when you come with Gino and Allen. Remember, we have a big date after the show."
"Everyone had warned her. She had been warned about Lyon, too."
"Remember, there's only one way to own a man—by making him want you."
"When people love one another, they get married."
"In Lawrenceville perhaps—where things are settled at birth and futures are all in place."
"You see, I had decided after the war that I wasn't coming back to Henry."
"I thought about it, and Spain! She might find some handsome Spanish man of good family."
"If a woman has money, nothing can ever hurt her."
"You’re not a child, Tony, you’re my husband."
"I’m your wife, darling. I’ll always stick by you."
"That’s the way it had been until he met Jennifer."
"I reckon when the time really comes to sell the old house, you’ll change your mind."
"You forget, I spent most of my life in London where they don’t believe in central heating."
"I’m not the F.B.I. I got to eat, and I got to stop sometimes to take a leak."
"Maybe one more red pill... yeah, they wore off faster."
"I'm not supposed to drink it. It puts weight on me."
"It was a sickness of Ted's—that's what the psychiatrist had told her."
"I was upset. My divorce became final that week."
"Who do you think you are, treating me like this?"
"I've always stood for clean American pictures."
"If she lives, she will play the starring role in our biggest picture."
"I've been on top for thirty years and I'll stay on top as long as I like."
"Once the audience fills the theatre and you hear the applause, it will all come to you."
"I could walk out of here and never come back."
"You can skip lunch. With that belly, you're better off."
"You little red dolls, now for God's sake do your work. I'm relying on you."
"I never asked for too much. I just wanted an apartment and a guy to love me."
"Maybe a woman can either love or be loved, but it's almost impossible to have both."
"If there wasn't something after, then it wouldn't be fair."
"It's not the end of the world. Haven't you heard a word I've said?"
"All you can really count on is yourself and your talent."
"Why did you give me a voice if you didn't want me to be great?"
"Despite the golden hair and the sexy breasts, there is something about your looks that conveys an impression of innocence, of girlishness... almost of purity."
"Hah! There’s not enough water in this whole goddam state to put me to sleep!"
"I’ll go along with everything you say. But—she’s also the goddamnest talent around."
"If I had any character, I wouldn’t see you after tonight."
"Everyone gets morning sickness, she thought—I get evening sickness."
"No one pays Lyon’s way—you’d have to live on what he makes."
"Neely doesn’t have to get thin. All she has to do is concentrate on singing."
"I’m real fat. But so are a lot of opera singers. Only with me, you’re not gonna get opera. I’m just here to sing my heart out for you."
"Every time it moves inside me I mentally blow it a kiss."
"We resurrected Neely. That should be enough for the trade."
"Once you know the facts, maybe you'll know how to fight."
"It’s like a civil war, with her emotions against her talent and physical strength. One side has to give."
"She had Lyon, the beautiful apartment, the beautiful child, the nice career of her own, New York—everything she had ever wanted."