
The Client Quotes

The Client by John Grisham

The Client Quotes
"I can't remember everything. It happened so fast. You expect me to give every little detail, and I can't remember it that way."
"Later, he kept telling himself, I'll tell her later."
"This is all very secret and confidential. Just you and me and your mother."
"Poor baby," Dianne mumbled in the background.
"Why didn't you tell me you watched the man kill himself?"
"Take an average person, tell him you're a reporter, and nine times out of ten he'll feel obligated to talk."
"There's not much you can do for a kid like that."
"Ever hear of Willis Upchurch? Yes. He's a big shot defense lawyer from Chicago, lot of mob work."
"It's a long story, Mr. Foltrigg. She's a very complex person. This is her second life."
"Mean as hell, thought McThune. Shrewd as the devil, thought Trumann."
"The room was dark because the shades were pulled."
"I'll file an ethics complaint with the state bar in Louisiana and Tennessee."
"The fact that the kid had somehow obtained the services of an attorney was most troublesome."
"Ever hear of Willis Upchurch? I can't believe you haven't heard of him."
"The boy went to prison for selling drugs. The daughter lives in California."
"And I'll haul your ass into Juvenile Court here and ask the judge to lock you up."
"She works hard, doesn't make much money, but then, I don't think money is important to Reggie."
"Sometimes he was okay when he wasn't drinking. But then he got worse."
"She had a bunch of bills, and he was calling twice a week wanting the rest of his fee, so she had to file for bankruptcy."
"She has a soul, Mark, a conscience. She'll work for no fee if she believes in the client."
"We tried to wash the blood off before the cops came in."
"He apologized to us, promised it would never happen again."
"I told him I thought that's exactly what he should do."
"I couldn't care less about you and your troubles, Chester."
"He weighed somewhere between three and four hundred pounds, and wore the same outfit every day."
"Deadbeat fathers, black and white alike, lived in fear of Judge Roosevelt."
"He usually arrived before seven and made his own coffee."
"You might want to meet with these gentlemen."
"What else is new?" he asked, eating the last bite of an apple danish.
"A rather distinguished group. What do they want?"
"Reggie Love is a regular in my court. A very competent attorney."
"Harry played with his bow tie and gave Ord one of his patented scowls."
"I'm well aware of that. It just seems a bit severe to allege the kid is a delinquent without any proof."
"I'll sign the order. I want the kid taken directly to the Juvenile Wing and placed in a cell by himself."
"Don't just stand there. Karen, do something, would you?"
"Look at your face, hotshot. I think it's turning blue. Mom coldcocked you. Ha-ha."
"I don't like this, gentlemen. I just don't like the smell of it."
"I'll play it for you later. It's hysterical."
"Most of your clients are remarkable, Reggie."
"Rarely bathed. Often, he failed to return phone calls, which was unusual for Jerome."
"He was terrified of his client, and he never once denied knowing where the body was."
"This, of course, is pure hearsay and quite self-serving."
"The child cannot be forced to testify, same as any other criminal or Juvenile Court proceeding."
"It's obvious, Reggie, that he knows something."
"I'm not going to release him, Reggie. At least not today."
"Your Honor, I want you to understand that I'm not answering for the same reasons I gave yesterday. I'm just scared, that's all."
"Mr. Bailiff, take Mark back to the witness room, and keep him there until we finish."
"Let's go off the record. Madam Clerk, you and Ms. Gregg can go to lunch."
"I've heard enough," Harry said when the tape stopped.
"Your Honor, when you guys can show me a way to completely protect my children, then I'll help you. But not until then."
"I think I'll get a doctor," she said. He grabbed her arm and squeezed tightly. "I just need some rest," he mumbled.
"I suggest we meet again Monday at noon. Let's take things one day at a time."
"I do not want those people following me and my children for the rest of our lives."
"But no one can completely guarantee our safety."
"I think I'll call the doctor. You might be going into shock, just like your little brother."
"The landfill in Lafourche Parish was worth millions to the Sulari family."
"I was going to move it later, but then the feds got involved and they've followed me for eight months."
"You're talking too loud. And this isn't a game."
"It's just the home of a man who committed suicide."
"I'm fifty-two years old, Mark. Now slow down."
"It's been my favorite question this week-'What am I doing here?'"
"I don't know. We've come this far. Seems kinda silly to run away now."
"I've seen the body, Larry. About two hours ago. I saw it with my own eyes. Smelled it too."
"Listen, asshole. I'm canceling the meeting unless you tell me right now who's been wired."
"It might be too hard to actually find the body, you know."
"I'm sure he had a will. His heirs will get the house and his assets."