
Redeeming Love Quotes

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Redeeming Love Quotes
"They looked into her angel eyes and were lost."
"She gave them her body but not a particle more."
"I don’t look back, and I don’t look forward."
"An even stronger force than the hatred that feasted on her was the weariness that sucked her soul dry."
"As long as you do exactly what I tell you to do, we’re going to get along fine."
"She knew Duchess had barely reined in her devil."
"So she was calm and still, like a mouse in its hole."
"The pressure inside her was building, and the effort to maintain the calm facade was draining her strength."
"I’m not up to showing any gratitude right now."
"Why couldn’t she do anything right? Why did all her plans go awry?"
"No matter what she felt, no matter how frightened or repulsed or angry, pretend to like whatever the men wanted and paid to get."
"Maybe she had always known it was the only way."
"Whatever mighta been, here’s what is, Angel. And here’s where you’re going to stay."
"The only difference was whether they quietly slid the money under the silk undergarments discarded on the foot of her bed or laid it in the palm of her hand and looked her right in the eye."
"Some knew what they wanted; some only thought they did."
"Jesus. God. I’m tired of pretending. I’m sick of living like this."
"I remember some man in black talking over me with a voice deader than Jesus."
"I can’t get over burying my beloved little sister like that, with no stone or cross to mark the place."
"I hate that phrase. Whatever you want. Like you’re offering me coffee."
"I want to fill your life with color and warmth. I want to fill it with light."
"It doesn't matter who does things to you. You can't pretend they didn't happen."
"You’re a fool, Michael Hosea. A poor, blind fool."
"I can’t love you. Even if I was able, I wouldn’t."
"I’m a prostitute, and that’s what I was meant to be."
"Whatever anyone else has said and done to you, it’s up to you now to make the decision. You can decide to trust me."
"It’s never going to be the way you want it to be. It can’t be!"
"I’m not clean yet, Michael. Just go away and leave me alone."
"I have to wash. You didn’t give me the chance."
"Don’t argue with him, Angel. At the price he’s asking for his potatoes and carrots, he can afford a stove."
"I think I’ve just about convinced my family to leave New York and come west. Mama said the only way she’ll agree is if I’ll take a wife."
"If Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary belonged, I think there might be a place for you."
"They’re named in the lineage of Christ. In the beginning of the book of Matthew."
"I don’t want any part of some great eye in the sky who’s waiting for a chance to squash me like a bug!"
"Love isn’t a weapon. It’s a lifeline. Reach out and take hold, and don’t let go."
"I’ve never turned away from you. Nor will I ever. It’s always been the other way around."
"We helped," Jacob said, coming down from a higher branch.
"You’re in love with me. Do you think you can run away from that?"
"You’re a bird who’s been in a cage all your life, and suddenly all the walls are gone, and you’re in the wide open."
"I’ve loved watching you grow and change. You’re never the same."
"I can’t have children. I got pregnant twice. Both times Duke had a doctor take the baby."
"My love isn’t a weapon. It’s a lifeline. Reach out and take hold, and don’t let go."
"Others should be more like him, but they’re not."
"I’ll never forget the night Mama and I sang ‘Amazing Grace.’"
"Michael’s the only man I’ve ever met who isn’t afraid to feel things."
"Mama thinks I should keep my feelings to myself instead of blurting them out all the time, but I can’t."
"The Lord already has someone in mind for Miriam."
"Everything she had worked for over the past six months was burning with it."
"The flames leapt higher, bright orange against the darkening evening sky."
"Helpless, Angel watched the cafe collapse in an explosion of sparks and flame."
"The land is worth something. Maybe you can get a loan on it and start again with that."
"She was hungry and tired. Every muscle in her body ached."
"Faith saw them and came toward them. Her look didn’t warn him away."
"I’ll think of Michael. I’ll just keep thinking of Michael."
"But I don’t believe in some little, shriveled up old man in a long white beard sitting on a throne looking over me."
"God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform…"
"He could almost smell the sweet scent of her skin in the night breeze."
"Sometimes it was just a word or a look that did it unexpectedly, and he had felt elation during those moments, as though he, and not God, had accomplished the impossible."
"Yes, he had learned he was powerless. He had learned a man can live after a woman breaks his heart."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."
"She’d found herself wandering along the streets again, passing a theater and a saloon. Her old haunting grounds."
"You heard about Lucky? Angel nodded. Dear, dear Lucky."
"Well, at least Magowan got what he deserved."
"Angel felt the pain before she could batten it down. 'No, not anymore.'"
"I’m going to need your help,' Angel said to Jonathan. 'I’ll never be able to repay what you’ve done already, but I’m going to ask you for more.'"