
The Lake House Quotes

The Lake House by James Patterson

The Lake House Quotes
"You’re making the world a better place. Take comfort in that."
"We were just property to them. Their creations, right? We were going to be used in further experiments."
"The only place where we’ve ever felt safe in our lives. The only place! We feel safe only when we’re all together as a family."
"What I saw next kind of took my breath away."
"Because we love the little creeps," he said, "and because they love us. Life's simple like that."
"They are our children. No one should be allowed to take them from us again."
"We must be kept safe! Please believe me, it’s dangerous for us out in the world."
"Win, lose, or draw," she continued, "I just want Frannie and Kit to know how much we appreciate everything they’ve done for us."
"There's no such thing as justice in America. It's all a fairy tale."
"We wanted to live in the world with other people. We begged for it. We almost died for it."
"We want to fly. Oh God, we wish we could fly like you."
"The people on the streets were cheering and waving, motioning them to fly faster and higher."
"This was the picture the media had been waiting for."
"She felt her headache fall away. Suddenly, she was in another, better world."
"Max knew what every one of them was thinking: We want to fly. Oh God, we wish we could fly like you."
"But my job is to concern myself with the children, and what is best for them."
"I'm sorry you have to die now. But you're helping someone... who is so much more important than yourself."
"Smart, but not too smart; funny, but not too funny; humble, but not a smarmy kiss-ass."
"Don't ever mess with him again. Ever. Until the day you die and maggots eat your worthless guts."
"We talk to it. It's called a mourning dove because of its call-oooh-a-oo-whoo."
"Never again, she vowed. Not in this lifetime anyway."
"The only ones she could count on were the bird kids from the original School."
"I won't do any more freak-show stories. I just won't!"
"If you talk about it, you could die. I’m not exaggerating. You talk, you die."
"I’m fine," said James Lee as a nurse fitted a metal helmet over his shaved head. "This really isn’t going to hurt?"
"You talk, you die; you talk, you die; talk, die; talk, die."
"You’re drop-dead gorgeous, Max. Live with it!"
"Ring Dings!" Wendy shouted, grabbing a couple of packets of the chocolate cakes from the rack.
"We’ll be good, Max," Peter said, licking orange crumbs from his lips. "Pinky swear. We’ll be good from now on."
"I talked to the kids a couple of times every week. Although I missed them terribly, I had lulled myself into thinking that they were safe, if not happy."
"If you hear from or see those kids, call me, Frannie. Beep me, or you can talk to anyone at the barracks, okay? The parents are frantic."
"I was lonely and self-pitying a few minutes before. Now I was sick to my stomach and too scared for words."
"There was only one person I could truly depend on for advice and solace right now. And that would be Kit."
"You jerk," I said. "You seriously thought it was better for me to hear this from a stranger?"
"I couldn’t tell you. I wasn’t allowed to call. I was forbidden under orders from the director."
"I’ve received unfortunate news. The experiment named Maximum is still unaccounted for, still missing."
"Your confidence in Frannie and me is flattering. But it’s not enough."
"I’m glad to be away from home. I hated it there. My mother was always selling interviews and appearances. She played the saint, the martyr, but she wasn’t."
"The smell of his skin went straight to her brain and she was instantly overcome by feelings she couldn’t begin to name."
"She was still feeling a little dizzy on account of Ozymandias being there with her."
"God, what does it mean? What is happening to us? Does Oz feel it, too? He must!"
"This is so good. My God, I love this. It has to be right. I am so happy right now."
"Rapture. That is the right word. This is what it means."
"You’re so sure about things, Ozymandias. Be careful of too much pride."
"Whenever I hold you, I never want to let go."
"I have never been happier in my entire life."
"We're just paranoid, aren't we? We're paranoid, right?"
"It isn’t paranoia if people really are after you."
"In the end, it was simple, really—we had to hunt the hunters."
"I understand," he said. "Thanks for the file, anyway. We’ll be going now."
"At this point, I trust you and the kids. Nobody else."
"Unlike some children her age, Max doesn’t confabulate and she doesn’t lie."
"We’re closer than ever to being able to keep people alive for a long, long time."
"I’m shaking some," I finally admitted once the last of the kids was gone.
"Our singular mission is to extend human life."
"But as the saying goes, it isn’t paranoia if people really are after you."
"The landing was as slick as a cat’s whisker."
"Live from New York - his wonderful new shipment had finally arrived."
"Only the parts mattered - not the whole. They would all be shucked soon."
"Don't beat yourself up, Frannie. They would have found the kids no matter where you went."
"What is Resurrection? Where to start? Okay, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Our secret."
"You’ve been chosen to take an extraordinary journey with us."
"Wake up, Mr. Chairman… It’s a brand new day. You look fantastic. All of you do. Congratulations."
"The bodies were all too uniformly young. In their teens and early twenties. Just kids, really."
"They will not get away with Resurrection, whatever it is."
"Those planes aren't going up! We own the sky."
"Her fury and outrage... were making up for the lack of food; her anger filled her with a kind of heady bravery."
"No matter what side you were on, devil or angel, it was a beautiful, amazing thing to see."
"Truth is not at a premium these days. Haven't you noticed?"
"I’ve seen the future, too… and you’re not in it."