
Servant Of The Bones Quotes

Servant Of The Bones by Anne Rice

Servant Of The Bones Quotes
"Golden are the bones of woe. Their brilliance has no place to go. It plunges inward, Spikes through snow."
"Golden silver copper silk. Woe is water shocked by milk."
"Heart attack, assassin, cancer. Who would think these bones such dancers."
"Words of ghosts are not to know. Ignorance is what we learn."
"This is Azriel’s tale as he told it to me, as he begged me to bear witness and to record his words."
"I ran for the solitude, the whiteness of snow, the brutal indifference of towering trees and tiny winter stars."
"In sum there were dozens of places raging with suffering in which to fight, to die, to film."
"So it was no haphazard choice that made him climb the steep forested mountains, in the snow, on foot."
"He did know who I was; he knew all my works, and had painstakingly read them before ever coming."
"I liked the bright orange color of yams. And please be assured, I was not proud of this diet."
"I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir."
"Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him."
"I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight."
"You have my unbounded love, the love of a King who was a King before he came to you and will be a greater King because of you."
"I honor him, and all the beliefs and all the gods of those I take under my protection."
"For that valley, for all of us who are merely human."
"I could forgive you anything. Because I know you, and you wouldn't do evil to me, you wouldn't do that."
"He has seen the god and he has spoken with him and the god has smiled at him."
"You are braver than I am, son, and I consider myself the bravest man in the world."
"This is so very beautiful, so indescribably beautiful."
"I think I want to go to sleep. I fear that boiling gold."
"Remember, they are desperate to be near to life, you know. Desperate."
"I am a poor spokesman for my God, but he is powerful."
"I wouldn't have anyone else suffer this. I wouldn't wish it on another."
"The purpose of life is to bear witness to and understand as much as possible of the complexity of the world-its beauty, its mysteries, its riddles."
"Be kind. Always, if you have a choice, be kind."
"Magic is an attempt to control the unseen spirits, and the spirit within the living, or to bring back the spirits of the dead which still surround the earth."
"All magic of all lands and all schools is the same. Magic is an attempt to control the unseen spirits."
"No one who really escapes the earth and its earthbound spirits ever comes back."
"There is one purpose to life and one only: to bear witness to and understand as much as possible of the complexity of the world."
"The greatest creative power you have on earth is to help others... the poor, the hungry, the oppressed."
"As long as you hate, and you roast in a hell of anger, there will be a limit to what you can do."
"There is no simple watchword. We cannot sing 'Altashheth' until and unless all the world sings the same song."
"Accept what your hatred and anger will allow you to accept."
"I should go to the Master, yes, as told, immediately, but why not call to the others first?"
"The still and thoughtful dead were invaded from every direction by the angry, whirling, howling spirits."
"Every magician you will ever know will have a different map of the spirit terrain."
"Ah, so that's it! I became angry and that makes you obey."
"Remember that, remember that above all things."
"Travel north, to the far north, and wrap me in blankets that I'll be warm and hold me fast."
"They seemed like traps built to make the gods fly down to them."
"What were the higher spirits I saw, the ones who looked joyous and ran to and fro?"
"You see, it's a matter of how well you can measure these things."
"The belief in a special destiny is one of the most rampant and harmful delusions on earth."
"The Greeks, you know, they are as practical as our people were."
"Nobody ever wanted to run out of anything ever again, and this included information."
"Storage. Archives. Information banks. Hard disk, floppy disk, backup tape, hard copy-everything worth anything was somehow duplicated in one form or another and stored."
"Sanitation was key. Nothing mattered as much as sanitation. Plagues had vanished from the earth due to sanitation."
"Indeed, that there was as much organization amid all of this change was the modern mystery-that so much could happen and that so much could remain the same."
"Everywhere were dramatic contrasts which could both confuse and delight the eye."
"The River Nile flowed into the metropolis of Cairo, where the buildings of steel and glass stand as high as in Manhattan, yet the streets were thronged by men and women in loose, airy cotton robes of white or black, as pure as the garments worn by the Israelites when Pharaoh let the people go."
"Members of the international Temple of the Mind of God, to which she herself had not belonged, mourned for her."
"The market for weapons was black, white, chaotic, endless."
"Cults. Cults were a matter of public obsession and fear."
"The news in all forms-printed, broadcast, computerized on internets-was continuous, alarming, prophetic, fatalistic, detailed, ludicrous by intention and by accident in turns."
"You don't seriously think I believe in it," Gregory replied politely.
"I covet it because it's precious and it's unique and she spoke of it with her dying words."
"Yes, that does convey upon it an added value," said the old man, his voice harder and clearer than I had ever heard it before.
"The chains are rusted, aren't they?" Gregory said, raising his right finger. "May I take them off?"
"All right, then I presume we have concluded our bargain. But you want something else, don't you? Speak. I want to take home my treasure and open it."
"Promise me, you will not come back to this house. You'll never seek my company again."
"You ask that of me every time I see you," said Gregory. "It's always the final thing you ask, and I always promise."
"But tell me, aren't you the least bit curious about this casket, about what's in it, about what may happen when I read the incantations?"
"Lord God!" he said again. "Servant of the Bones? You have a new Master."
"I am he, I'm Azriel, the one she saw as she lay dying."
"But everyone in that building is a Minder. Everyone in my life."
"You're human," she said, dismissively, her voice deep and a little hard.
"I'm speaking the best English I can. I told you, I'm a spirit."
"Drink it all," she said, "there's plenty of it."
"You're really telling me you're not one of his men?"
"I'm a spirit. I want to avenge your daughter."
"My head's clearing even now. I can feel pain."
"I think she died without ever realizing that anyone had done her evil."
"This was the agony that comes with loving; this was just as fresh as if it had never happened to me before."
"Imagine never having to worry again about the naked millions, the hunger, the floods, the disasters in India. All gone."
"The purpose of life is to love and to increase our knowledge of the intricacies of creation."
"The purpose is to love and to learn and to be kind."