
Business Or Pleasure Quotes

Business Or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Business Or Pleasure Quotes
"I’ve made bowls of cereal that were more a labor of love."
"Whenever I need self-love, it’s more likely to take shape as something handheld and battery-operated."
"I would get so stressed that I literally forgot to drink water!"
"Considering I spent last Friday explaining to a client why we couldn’t guarantee them a cover story in Time, this is a definite upgrade."
"The thing is, that’s what makes me so charming."
"Being a millennial in your thirties is a trip and a half."
"I’ve never met a . . . leaper? Leapster? Do you have a name for yourselves?"
"I could show you around the hallway. The closets. The desk chair."
"I’m kind of glad that bartender’s guinea pigs were such agents of chaos."
"I think that’s a joke—that he can’t really be this inept."
"I think your watch is caught in my necklace."
"What exactly are you wanting this memoir to accomplish?"
"My mind was made up as soon as I saw him sitting here."
"Typically not my opening line. Nice to meet you, I was on a TV show about werewolves in the early to mid-aughts, some weather we’re having."
"I make money off sales of autographs and photos, so..."
"Besides, if I recall correctly, you were the one who snuck out of my room this morning."
"I realize that maybe you’re not used to not getting what you want, but there it is."
"I can’t. I want to, Hux, believe me—it’s all I want."
"You get to create art that matters to other people, something that brings them joy or inspires them or helps them process, or something that just allows them to escape the real world for a while."
"I don’t want to be that guy from the werewolf show anymore. I’ve done everything I can to change that, but I’ve started to realize that unless something big happens, I’m just… stuck."
"I’ve spent too much of my life hiding, lying, pretending. I want this book to be fun behind-the-scenes stories about The Nocturnals, sure. But more than that, I want to talk about OCD stigma and mental health in Hollywood."
"It’s like each year brings me new and additional ways to worry about them. Is it going to get below freezing? Then I’m worried about them getting out of a car when it’s icy."
"This book is my chance to show them who I really am. Isn’t that what we all want—to be able to talk, or create, and have other people listen?"
"I’m starting to think there’s no such thing as a dream job. I sort of hoped I’d start out with these lighter assignments—influencers, reality stars. And then I could move on to something deeper. Something with a little more… substance."
"I can’t help it. In a way, he’s right. It just felt like the worst dig, coming from him— from someone who knew me that well, and who I liked so much. I was a relationship girl… but he didn’t want to be in a relationship with me."
"I’m extremely proud of her. It was a massive career change and she had to go back to school for it, but she’d always wanted to do it, and she made it happen."
"I’m not sure if it’s that it’s worth all the bullshit or that I don’t have any other marketable skills. Well—maybe I don’t. But there’s truly nothing else like it."
"They told us we could have it all but that’s just not true."
"You’re at the foot of Mount Doom. It’s not too late to turn back."
"It’s the job. That’s why you hired a ghostwriter."
"I’d like to go to the grave without ever having learned what an NFT is."
"I want to love what I’m doing with my whole heart."
"Sometimes I wonder. After all these years, if I’m clinging to relevance just like everyone else."
"I’ve probably built it up in my mind because the layoff really sank my mental health, but creatively, professionally, fill in the blank—I didn’t want to write listicles for the rest of my life."
"But I’m starting to wonder if none of that is true."
"It's a tragedy that you're still single. Wyatt's going to realize his mistake one of these days and won't be able to forgive himself."
"Please don’t take this the wrong way, because I mean it sincerely."
"I know it would be a risk, and I know it wouldn’t be easy. But you could write for yourself if you wanted to."
"Get a grip, I tell my reflection once I’ve locked myself inside."
"Ghostwriting is your crutch—a way to keep yourself from getting out of your comfort zone."
"But if you don’t try, you’re always going to wonder, what if."
"It’s easy for you to tell me to just go do what I’m passionate about—you did it, and you succeeded."
"You’re the only thing that’s made it bearable this time around."
"I don’t know if I’m ready for that. Moving in together."
"Can’t you trust me that we’ll figure it out?"
"I don’t know how to take two huge gambles at once. My career, whatever it turns out to be, and this relationship—"
"In my lowest moments, sometimes I feel like a blank page."
"I admire you so much. I just wish I felt the same way about myself."
"I think I need a little time to figure that out."
"I can guarantee I’d be making a lot less for my original books than for what I’m doing for you."
"I thought it would change me, that by the end of it, I’d know exactly what my next step would be."
"But giving confidence to my writing, leaving my career up to chance..."
"We’re just not quite ready to let you parent us yet."
"I’ve been so worried about people not needing me anymore that I tethered myself to them so tightly, I could hardly untie the knots."