
Journey To The River Sea Quotes

Journey To The River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

Journey To The River Sea Quotes
"For whether a place is a hell or a heaven rests in yourself, and those who go with courage and an open mind may find themselves in Paradise."
"Her mother had been a singer; Maia’s own voice was sweet and true."
"Nothing is clean, everything is full of germs."
"You don’t want to arrive in a country unable to make yourself understood."
"Remember, twins are used to living in their own world."
"If you want something enough you usually get it. But you have to take what goes with it."
"How alive it was out there, and how dead inside the house!"
"The teaching had been good at the Academy but Miss Minton was a born teacher."
"The twins may live as though they are still in Littleford-on-Sea, but there is no need for us to do so."
"It’s not the end of the world. We’ll have a good day exploring. They can’t lock us in the house."
"The trouble is, I’ve got to get away without being seen."
"You could buy something a great deal more useful than that."
"I wouldn’t mind living in a place like this."
"It’s as though sounds had been freshly invented in this secret place."
"Blood was blood; there was no getting round it."
"I don’t see why not. If it’s just for one night."
"There is always a first time," said the professor cheerfully.
"You have served me well, Kumari," he said. "Now I give you your freedom. And with it, this token of my thanks."
"I thought there might be. But that's neither here nor there. I shall be fifty-eight next year: an old man."
"That is the kind of remark I don't enjoy," said Miss Minton cuttingly.
"I'm not quite clear what happened. They say that Finn’s been caught and dragged back to Westwood. But surely Maia wouldn’t have given away his hiding place?"
"I believe I take after my mother, sir," said Clovis.
"Because I was afraid I was not ... worthy to fulfil my role."
"If Maia goes we are undone!" cried Mrs. Carter.
"But you’re going away," she said. "That’s true. I’m going away."
"It’s all right," said Finn to his dog. "It’s all right, Rob."
"It was that other side of him, the Indian side, which went in for rubbish like premonitions and inklings, and things you felt without knowing why."
"Suddenly furious with himself, Finn crawled to his haversack, turned up the lamp, and took out Caesar’s Gallic Wars."
"Because Maia now had lunch with the Haltmanns after her music lesson, Miss Minton lunched with the professor in the little café he had shown her."
"‘The "proper" scientists. You should have seen what they wrote about him in the papers. "An unrealistic dreamer, a man who let himself be led away by myths and stories – always searching for the impossible..." ’"
"Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad way to go. Still working, still searching... Better than dying in hospital with strangers."
"‘No, the beast itself. He was convinced it wasn’t extinct. The natives have always had stories about it – they call it the Maupugari, a great creature with reddish hair which walks on its curved claws.'"
"‘You’re taking this very well, my boy. Very well indeed. You’re taking it like a man.'"
"‘What’s happened? What’s the matter?’ ‘Nothing, girls, nothing. It’s bedtime.’"
"So now the twins became suspicious, first of their mother, then of the servants."
"‘But what worried Maia was not the way the twins behaved. The twins had always been odd. What worried her was the feeling that Minty was hiding something from her.'"