
Malibu Rising Quotes

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Malibu Rising Quotes
"It is simply what Malibu does from time to time."
"The local Santa Ana winds speed through the mountains and valleys from the inland to the shore, hot and strong. Myth says they are agents of chaos and disorder."
"Destruction. And renewal, rising from the ashes. The story of fire."
"If Nina listened closely, she could hear the ocean crashing below the cliff—just faintly."
"What Brandon had never understood was that the glory of living in Malibu was not living in luxury but raw nature."
"Nina didn’t hate Carrie Soto for stealing her husband because husbands can’t be stolen."
"Our family histories are simply stories. They are myths we create about the people who came before us, to make sense of ourselves."
"Sometimes the wrong brother meets the girl first. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that."
"She wanted to be the sort of woman who, when someone complimented her fur coat, could say, 'Oh, this? I got it in Monte Carlo.'"
"But for June it wasn’t a choice at all. For June it was a free fall."
"People that are cool don’t really need to play cool, do they?"
"Men don’t give women as many orgasms as they think they do."
"Let’s be explicitly clear about something, Riva. You wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t interested. But you’re lucky I’m interested."
"Maybe he fell for her as they interlocked themselves together, legs pretzeled, bodies pulled tight until there was no space left between them."
"They moved together like they knew exactly what they were doing. No fumbles, no mistakes, no awkward moments. And Jay thought, maybe that was love."
"It meant that Jay’s left ventricle had been weakened and would not always function the way it should."
"I’m not sleeping with him, if that’s what you’re thinking," Lara said. "I prefer men who don’t spend four hours a day sunbathing with a foil reflector."
"This is your child, " June said. "You cannot reschedule your child."
"I will love you," June told him. And she did.
"You were supposed to be here before," June said. "Not half a day later. What is the matter with you?"
"I can’t be this person!" Mick yelled at her. "Some family man or whatever it is that you thought I was. I’m not!"
"Let me get you surfboards. Let that be my job."
"Our parents live inside us, whether they stick around or not."
"I would choose to be here with these four kids over anything in the world."
"Alcoholism is a disease with many faces, and some of them look beautiful."
"She must have done something right if life had brought her the four of them."
"You just work harder to make sure you win on the next one."
"You’re the most popular female surfer in the world. What more is there?"
"They express themselves through us in the way we hold a pen or shrug our shoulders."
"Every time he held her like that, she felt so much less alone."
"Stick with me, kid, I’m always going to make sure you have everything you ever wanted."
"I love you, too, with all of my heart, forever."
"Maybe our parents’ lives are imprinted within us, maybe the only fate there is is the temptation of reliving their mistakes."
"She began to cry without even realizing it, wiping her cheeks but unable to keep up with the tears."
"How is it possible to love something that fast? Because I feel like the minute you said it, I felt it. And that doesn’t make any sense at all."
"There would be rocking chairs and swaddles, mashed bananas and high chairs, the pride of a first step. There would be a wild and beautiful future."
"There should be a way to undo your fuckups. Not just redeem yourself for them but actually undo them, make them so that they never happened."
"Every day of your life feels like you’re climbing up the mountain. And then you get there and you stay for a bit. And it’s nice at the top. But then you start sliding down the other side."
"You are a great man. You’ve already proven that. I mean, you have ten Grand Slams. That’s unbelievable."
"I’ve made every wrong turn a person could make! I don’t think I love you. I’m not sure I have ever loved you. Why would I think this was where I wanted to be?"
"But that’s all I got." She turned away from him and resumed her conversation with the Laker Girl she’d been talking to. "OK, but, like, Larry Bird is good though."
"And for one small moment, while he was lying underneath her, he thought he’d found the other half of himself."
"What broken family—no matter how shattered or tattered or bruised beyond recognition—does not ache to be reunited? What child, no matter how lost or abandoned, does not ache to be loved?"
"You’ve already proven that. I mean, you have ten Grand Slams. That’s unbelievable."
"It’s not news. I’ve been a shit my whole life."
"I wish I was a better man, but I was just never capable of it."
"Honestly, it never quite made sense why a woman as good as your mother picked me."
"She’s not just some girl," Hud said, exasperated.
"You think I want to be here selling photos of my ass and living on this fucking cliff? No, I don’t."
"That’s what it means to be a family. Staying."
"You think Mom felt capable of raising four children on her own?"