
On A Quiet Street Quotes

On A Quiet Street by Seraphina Nova Glass

On A Quiet Street Quotes
"It’s as though her brain has been rewired. Defensiveness inhabits the place where empathy used to live."
"People rely on me. So I just need to figure out how I can show Georgia that she can, too."
"It wasn’t even a question when he asked me to marry him."
"It’s not healthy to be locked away like that with no help."
"I want to talk to him about Cora’s visit—her invitation to come over one afternoon with Avery—but I don’t."
"You trust your gut. That doesn’t make you paranoid, it makes you smart."
"Grief is supposed to come in fits and starts, but hers has been unceasing, breath-stealing."
"I have practiced listening to the woes of my girlfriends for years."
"The only sound is a cable news show, faintly heard from the living room, where she usually keeps it on in the background for company."
"You try to major in the arts in college and then realize you’ll never actually have a career and you’ve shamed your parents, so you change your major to something responsible like business and computer science."
"Kinda deterred me from the craft after that."
"I see everything. This is what happens when I trust you."
"I know you and Grant are, you know, separated, and I guess that makes you single, but..."
"It’s just not possible. I would if I could, really."
"If they were always there, I was blinded by love, I suppose."
"I think you’re just lonely right now and you’d really regret this."
"I feel like I should go. But Grant tops off our wine and leans back in his seat, studying me a moment."
"I learned the hard way that you need an ID to pawn or sell, and now I have one."
"Everyone is a suspect, and that weird son of a bitch isn’t getting a wave from her."
"I wasn’t going to stay in this house until then. I am not going to follow him and plead my innocence."
"This is exactly what I’m talking about. You’re manipulative, but you think you’re this innocent, put-upon wife."
"I’m so sorry I didn’t know and you were dealing with this all by yourself."
"The point is, the joint a few weeks ago, it really wasn’t mine."
"I’m afraid we’d have to call child welfare if there is nobody who can pick her up."
"For a guy trying to hide a secret from his wife, you sure are coming in pretty hot at the one person you might think about being a little nicer to."
"We’re almost there. You don’t have to worry anymore."
"It’s just Play and Stop here. And you can fast-forward if you want to skim."
"I did everything you asked. I gave up a career, for God’s sake."
"It’s absolutely no problem. Are you all right?"
"I have to get out of here. I can’t go back. It’s not safe."
"I can’t believe all this time you were just right there and I didn’t know..."
"I’ll have him come down and talk to us," he says.
"What do you want from me? Men like sex, Cora."
"I’m the only one who can get away with it, I’m telling you."
"I realize my mistake, but it’s too late to swallow the words back."
"Please, just please at least listen. Let me tell you what happened before you hate me."
"I was unhappy, and I told Caleb about it, that I wanted to go home. We became...close."
"He was a mess, though. You have to believe me. He was an addict."
"I knew about the drugs," she says, and I almost cry with relief.
"This isn’t easy to say, but I trust you. I really pray to God you trust me."
"That’s how he was threatening my life. If Lucas found out that Avery wasn’t his baby, he’d kill me."
"I need to think," she finally says, and without another word, she’s gone.
"Feeling alone with someone else is worse than really being alone."
"He is responsible. It’s his fault his wife was pushed to find safety in someone else."