
Conversations On Love Quotes

Conversations On Love by Natasha Lunn

Conversations On Love Quotes
"If being loved is your goal, you will fail to achieve it."
"You make your life meaningful by applying meaning to it – it’s not just inevitably meaningful as a result of the choices you’ve made."
"The idea that connection has to come entirely from one other person is bollocks."
"You’re not meant to lose sleep or cry over love. You shouldn’t have to fight for it."
"We’re not born to be alone. We need community, however we choose to find it."
"If you’re seen more or less how you see yourself – or perhaps expanded by how someone else sees you – then you feel met in a relationship."
"It’s like two stones rubbing together until suddenly they fit."
"We learn about ourselves from a loved one not so much because of what he tells us, but rather by observing our own reflections in him."
"The important thing is not to make the ‘right’ or ‘best’ decision, but ‘to closely bind yourself to whatever you’re living’."
"Love could be consistent and solid and steady, that it could make me feel safe."
"Friendship feels easy to me in a way romantic love doesn’t."
"I attach a fear of abandonment to the early stages, because I’ve experienced someone who is meant to love me leaving."
"It’s about demonstrating love, investing time, having an awareness of people – their history, their desires, what they need."
"That fear is also what stops me asking for things from people I love."
"Intimacy is being able to show that to a friend, and them seeing me for who I am, in moments of joy and pain."
"If I don’t message for a few days, it’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I’m a bit overwhelmed."
"I would not be the person I am now without my friends."
"They’ve allowed me to feel more confident in rooms I’ve had to walk into."
"That friends will love you for who you are, not only because you give them something."
"We saddle [our romantic partner] with all those expectations. So, you bet, if and when that person betrays us, we feel like we have lost everything we had."
"True friendship is about taking it easy on each other, knowing that life has tides that take you to various places."
"Love, whether in friendship or romantic relationships, goes wrong when we forget to tell people who we are and forget to ask who they are."
"The love had remained. That becomes more profound, the older you get."
"You have to be happy. And you are entitled, in the name of your happiness, to do all kinds of things."
"I think of sex as the dream life of a marriage; it tells you things that you don’t know or can’t admit in your waking hours."
"You definitely have to work at it, though, and by that I don’t mean sprinkle rose petals around the house."
"The consumer mentality of 'I can do better'... You know ‘good enough’ is not in vogue anymore, it’s all about the best."
"We have so many lives folded within this one life. We have so many secrets and longings and stages."
"What I love most is that there’s a kind of bottom-line truth to it, an essence that can’t be made into anything other than what it is."
"The biggest adjustment is that your life no longer only belongs to you."
"Parenthood is so hard that, if you didn’t love your children so deeply, you might just walk away."
"The intense love we have for our children is what makes it possible for us to withstand the work of parenting."
"Their complete dependence on you is a huge responsibility, but it gives purpose to everything you do."
"You see the same person through different stages of their life."
"There’s a purity to old friendships, because they’re not connected to my romantic life or my life as a parent."
"Parenting and writing are all-consuming, and I’ve struggled to make enough time and emotional and spiritual space for my relationship as well."
"I’ve learnt that the most important thing to give to children is love."
"In our conversations, I feel all the layers of the people we used to be."
"Love is the quality of attention we pay to things."
"We have to find a way back to a loving place."
"Speaking about death is an act of love, with Greg Wise."
"It’s the force we create to reach each other, with cups of tea and tenderness, with humour and ‘I’m sorry’s."
"We can’t wait for a mystical, gravitational force to close the gap – instead we have to create that force ourselves, with honesty and empathy and forgiveness."
"I had felt a wild surge of tenderness for her in the seconds after she was born: this tiny, slimy human, climbing up my chest."
"I still crave a solid reassurance that she will be safe; the difference is now I know no such certainty exists, for any of us."
"It is often the little things that bring us back to ourselves."
"The feeling of being ‘in love’ comes and goes, ebbs and flows, but the action of loving is a decision."
"Love is a frequency we can either choose to tune into or ignore."
"Life will always flow through our lives in this inconsistent, unknowable way, and we cannot press pause on the joyful bits, nor fast-forward the suffering."
"Love is everywhere, in so many different forms and shapes and acts."