
The Son Of Neptune Quotes

The Son Of Neptune by Rick Riordan

The Son Of Neptune Quotes
"No matter how many times Percy killed them and watched them crumble to powder, they just kept re-forming like large evil dust bunnies."
"The past few days, he'd hardly slept. He'd eaten whatever he could scrounge—vending machine gummi bears, stale bagels, even a Jack in the Crack burrito, which was a new personal low."
"The most horrible thing about her? She was still holding her big silver platter of free samples: Crispy Cheese ’n’ Wieners."
"The wind changed. Percy caught the sour scent of reptile."
"They had always said they could smell him because he was a demigod—the half-blood son of some old Roman god."
"Heroes! They always bring that up, just like our mother! 'Why can’t you turn people to stone? Your sister can turn people to stone.'"
"The gods don’t like to repeat themselves. When they do something one way, they don’t do it the same way twice."
"The greyhounds bared their teeth and growled. Percy froze. Normally he liked dogs, but these glared at him with ruby eyes."
"The master bolt," Percy muttered. "It doesn’t look like that."
"She got mad when the gods took over. She took a new husband—Tartarus, the spirit of the abyss—and gave birth to a race of giants."
"She thought the family gift would protect her."
"A descendant of Neptune will wash away your curse and give you peace."
"I suppose she wouldn't. Much easier to blame me."
"You’ll be fine. You’ll have friends this time."
"Whatever you do, don’t think about that stick bursting into flame!"
"Life is never easy for my children, but you have a special burden."
"He will return your family to its roots and bring you great honor."
"You’re the god of war. Don’t you want endless carnage?"
"I’m the god of Rome, child. I am the god of military might used for a righteous cause."
"I don’t want war without end. You will discover this. You will serve me."
"I order a quest! You will go north and find Thanatos in the land beyond the gods."
"Beware Gaea! Beware her son, the eldest giant!"
"Rome will be overrun, its legacy lost forever. So my advice is: Don’t fail."
"He’s gonna learn some respect for Mars on this trip, or die trying."
"Two hundred Romans, and no one’s got a pen? Never mind!"
"PERCY SLEPT LIKE A MEDUSA VICTIM"—which is to say, like a rock.
"And pull sentry duty for the rest of the week?"
"We must act like Romans. Mars has given us this quest, and we have to believe it is possible."
"Fight well, Percy Jackson," Reyna said. "And thank you."
"You were my gift, Hazel," she said. "My most precious gift."
"Stop that. You’re great! Besides, you’re not the only one with secrets."
"Foolish native people made jewelry from it, yes. Valuable? Maybe. Not as good as wheat."
"Oh, clever demigod. Trying to trick us into giving secrets. No, you’ll never find the lair of Alcyoneus."
"That place sank beneath the waves long ago. You should know that! Gaea hates you for it."
"A big sacrifice is coming, and you won't have the courage to make it. That will cost you dearly. It will cost the world dearly."
"Only you have the ability to kill the monsters."
"Don’t worry about that, Frank. I expected as much, but I had to try. The task ahead of you...Well, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, especially a nice boy like you."
"You don’t have to be what your parents and your grandmother expect."
"You don’t have to follow the war god’s orders, or Juno’s. Do your own thing, Frank! Find a new path!"
"You forced me to choose, and you are more important to my plans than the old seer. But do not press your luck. When your death comes, I promise it will be much more painful than gorgon’s blood."
"Plans and plots. The lady in the ground. Big plans for Percy. Macrobiotic jerky for Ella."
"Phineas, nope. Food and words for Ella, yep."
"Sometimes sharing a problem doesn’t make it easier to carry."
"You’re different. A child of Pluto. You remember your past."
"The sky started to darken, the sea turning the same rusty color as Ella’s wings."
"I’m Pluto’s daughter. Everything I touch goes wrong."
"But if you take the hard path—ah, that’s how you reap the sweet rewards. Duty. Sacrifice. They mean something."
"No Laistrygonians. Six minus six is zero. Spears are good for subtraction."
"They have cannonballs," Frank said. "And we have a potato gun."
"Ella, it’s not safe here with the ogres. We’re going to be flying to Alaska soon. Will you come with us?"
"You’re a—a descendant of Neptune? Frank, that’s—Crazy? Yeah."
"He swiveled the barrel, took aim at the lead ogre, and pressed the trigger. Eight high-powered spuds blasted the giant in the chest."
"Welcome aboard. Next stop: Anchorage, Alaska."
"You’re my best friend, too, Frank. I should have told you that."
"No such thing as fair. If I’m going to burn, it might as well be bright."
"You are amazing. And you make a very handsome elephant."