
Live To Tell Quotes

Live To Tell by Lisa Gardner

Live To Tell Quotes
"Time is a nebulous thing, especially for a child. And year by year, bit by bit, details started to fade from my memory."
"My father killed my entire family except me. Did that mean he loved me the most, or hated me the most?"
"Survivor’s guilt. None of this is your fault."
"Each day sucks as much as the one before. You simply start to accept the general suckiness."
"I grew up. I went to college. I became a pediatric psych nurse. Now I spend my days at a locked-down pediatric psych ward in Boston."
"Food was her passion. Mostly because her job with Boston PD’s homicide unit didn’t leave much time for sex."
"But all that can wait. Now, in the silence of the aftermath, I return to his bedroom."
"There are pieces of yourself, so many pieces of yourself, that, once you give away, you cannot get back again."
"Face of an angel, soul of the Devil, if you ask me."
"Guess folks didn’t find her until months later."
"He just stood over the poor creature, and smiled."
"Normal boys don’t smile like that, Mrs. Detective Sergeant."
"I guess you just never know what’s really going on with your neighbors, do you?"
"Our goal is to reduce agitation so a kid can finally get through the day without exploding."
"You never think, until the very last moment, that it still might not be enough."
"The worst thing that can happen to their five-year-old is mental illness."
"Because I am the lone survivor, and I’m still pissed off about that."
"You try as a parent. You love beyond reason. You fight beyond endurance. You hope beyond despair."
"I think she might be much more capable than we've assumed."
"Everyone emits energy, and on one level or another, we respond to that."
"I don’t think it was fair of my father to deny me that."
"Maybe the baby didn’t want to be left alone."
"One day on my way to work, I passed a fortune-teller."
"Don’t need a woman to wait on me. Don’t need a woman to stroke my ego."
"Plans get made and unmade. Dinners could be prepared that sadly grow cold."
"So you might as well get used to my charm, people. From here on out, you belong to me."
"Because I saw her. She was happy. She was a cat."
"I don’t want to be alone. Okay? Maybe you don’t want to be alone either."
"A child is like a snowflake. Each one unique and original from the one before."
"For every good moment, there’s gotta be half a dozen more when you’re pulling out your hair."
"Evan’s emotions are running about three planets beyond the moon, and there are no tears in outer space."
"Whether we’re married or not, you’re Evan’s mother and you’re going to do what you think is best for him."
"I dream of walking with my husband, hand in hand."
"You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, even when you break my heart."
"I’ve seen the darkness in his eyes. But I’ve seen the light, too."
"We treat ourselves and one another with respect."
"You're right—can't get much more insane than that."
"I feel the love of my friends and community."
"I'm entitled to at least one nervous breakdown."
"Tell me, Danielle, how many families are you prepared to lose?"
"My father hadn’t sung like that. As he stood in the glow of the hallway light, his hand raising the gun."
"My head hurt. I had that feeling again—like my family was standing right beside me."
"We stood side by side, two women armed with one pair of scissors in a darkened master bedroom."
"Time is ticking, and I don’t see where we have many options."
"The phones are dead, the electricity out. We’re isolated."
"My hands are trembling. I want to stop, huddle like a small animal caught in the open."
"I won’t do it. My house, my child, my ex-husband. I started this mess. I’ll finish it."
"The memories, I realized. I’d finally opened my mind. Allowed myself to know everything that I knew."
"You don’t have the gun," Andrew stated. "You failed."