
Restart Quotes

Restart by Gordon Korman

Restart Quotes
"The grass is far away—until it isn’t anymore. Somebody screams. Wait—it’s me."
"You can reboot it and the operating system works fine. But when you look for a document or file to open, nothing’s there."
"It’s like reaching into a pocket for something that should be there but isn’t."
"I remember how to remember, but when I actually try to do it, I’m a blank."
"It’s the craziest feeling. I remember how to remember, but when I actually try to do it, I’m a blank."
"It’s like I’ve been parachuted into the middle of someone else’s life."
"Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night just thinking of the injustice of it all."
"A prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house."
"Everyone did. A lot of brave men are still buried there. They're the heroes."
"You can't believe how weird it is to have this whole life, and everyone remembers it except you."
"It’s not every day you meet somebody who’s won the country’s highest medal."
"Sometimes a whack on the head is exactly what a fellow needs."
"Have you ever asked about me around this place?"
"Sometimes it goes on so long that it’s how you see yourself."
"You’re all waiting for me to pull their underwear up over their heads."
"Being boys with someone isn’t just a bunch of stuff you did together."
"I always wanted to be able to sleep at night."
"A lot of this stuff feels kind of harmless until something like Joel Weber happens."
"We own it too—take something meant as an insult and be proud of it."
"Love isn’t just blind. It’s also totally stupid."
"The person he was broke up this family. What he did to Joel is unforgivable."
"What about tomorrow? Remember what he did to my brother!"
"That’s a pretty harsh thing to say to someone with amnesia."
"I didn’t mean to disturb you," and start away.
"Everybody else is looking at us like there’s about to be a major war, but nothing happens."
"We booby-trapped his piano in an auditorium full of people!"
"We’re not just going to worship the video; we’re going to watch it—all forty minutes."
"I’m coming to the conclusion that our senses of humor aren’t very compatible."
"But how were we supposed to know he was going to go crying to Mommy?"
"I don’t bother to point out that I wasn’t making a statement with Joel."
"I’ve never been so happy to get back to a classroom."
"And in the process, I wrapped myself in their phony story and got drawn back into the old life."
"Just because I miss the old you doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate who you are now."
"It takes strength to eat the blame and not rat out others, especially when they more than deserve it."
"Pride. Which is going to be worth exactly zero in front of a judge."
"I hate myself so much that there’s no way any judge could hate me more."
"Falling on my head was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"It was the most incredible transformation in the history of middle school."
"Being true to myself is more important than fooling the judge with the power to send me to juvie."
"The best thing I can say about your grades is that you’re not failing."
"If you could keep the balance in favor of doing what you love—80–20, let’s say—you could be at least 80 percent happy."