
Coconut Layer Cake Murder Quotes

Coconut Layer Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke

Coconut Layer Cake Murder Quotes
"Every day someone comes in here believing that they’re having a coronary event and it turns out to be a panic attack."
"Stress throws off your body clock, plays havoc with your nervous system, and mimics symptoms of diseases you never believed you could contract."
"It’s almost impossible to suspect someone you love and trust enough to marry."
"You have no idea how worried your mother has been about you. It’ll do her a world of good to spend some time in California with you and Lynne."
"If you want to film a scene on a city street, you have to apply for a permit and pay to use it for a location."
"There’s never going to be room for all this in the condo."
"You’re not sure you can stay here at the condo? I’ll hold down the fort for you until you feel comfortable about coming home."
"I like the sound of that phrase, Hannah. Maybe you should practice saying it."
"You didn’t spoil anything, Lonnie. I was ready to come home."
"Sometime tomorrow. We could only get one emergency plane ticket and I got it."
"I just don’t remember that much about what happened last night."
"I called Michelle back and told her that I was going to join Brian and Cassie for a birthday celebration."
"I lucked out and parked three rows back from the door."
"Don’t worry. I’ll only have two more drinks, that’s it."
"I can’t tell you or it won’t come true."
"Sometimes I just go out there when I get home from work and sit on one of the benches. And it’s probably silly, but I watch the butterflies and think about all the places they must have seen in their travels."
"I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I really wanted him on the other side of the house."
"But if Lisa and I are making this cake for catering, we use disposable foil cake pans."
"You’re right! Just wait until you see the expressions on Cuddle’s and Moishe’s faces. You can almost hear them thinking, Why do they get to fly?"
"That’s right. Sometimes I feel like I’m intruding on what you want to accomplish."
"You’re one of the reasons I planted a butterfly garden."
"You looked so beautiful that night, Norman said, almost as if he’d been reading her mind."
"It’s a long time since lunch, and I don’t think I could make it to dinnertime without something to tide me over."
"When I saw an eggshell peeking out, she felt like giving a huge smile, but she managed to keep a neutral expression so that Norman wouldn’t notice how relieved she was."
"Adjust the amounts for your crockpot size to achieve the best results."
"For a kitchen herb garden, fresh finely chopped parsley adds a delightful touch."
"Remember, plugging in your crockpot is crucial for a successful dish!"
"In a hurry? High heat can significantly reduce cooking time."
"Steam escape is key for a thicker glaze, just like making gravy."
"Choosing the right rice mix can make a significant difference in your dish."
"For a quick alternative, microwaveable rice pouches can save time."
"Rinsing rice is essential to wash off any dust."
"Buttering a casserole dish ensures your rice won't stick."
"Patience is key when adding custard mixture to your Bundt pan."
"Sometimes customizing your hard sauce can add a personal touch."
"Strong coffee or icy milk complements a sweet dessert perfectly."
"You can talk to me about anything, Norman. What is it?"
"I think he’s hungry, honey. Can you get his kitty treats and give him one?"
"I love the way everybody there signed it. That was really nice."
"They should be soft and chewy. And maybe a little on the tart side? What do you think?"
"And when the body was wasted and useless, the mind would continue to function."
"If you have a bread board in your kitchen, you can skip all the instructions for moistening the counter and using the wax paper."
"It’s like arranging the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle into categories by color and shape, before starting to put it together."
"Would you like another glass of champagne? I have a split I can open for you."
"I’m just hoping that you’re right, Norman. A light tan car is a lot easier to find than the pinkish-orange color that Joe Hollenkamp described."