
The Marriage Lie Quotes

The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle

The Marriage Lie Quotes
"I sigh and settle into my husband’s familiar form, fitting my backside into his front, soaking in his warmth."
"You are my very favorite person on the planet," he murmurs in my ear, and I smile.
"It’s because you insist on sleeping in an igloo. I think all my extremities have frostbite."
"These are the moments that I cherish the most, moments when our hearts and breaths are in sync."
"I’m pretty sure my guys are strong swimmers. You’re probably pregnant already."
"Making lasagna is so much more pleasant than cleaning the gutters."
"You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to, but I’m staying, and that’s that."
"We lie here for a while in comfortable silence, his arm snug around my middle, his chin in the crook of my shoulder."
"Why bother? It’s just a place for people to brag and lie about their lives."
"I can’t move forward until I fill in the most pressing blanks."
"Why would somebody be telling you to go home?"
"How do you mourn a person you’re no longer certain you know?"
"There are three sides to every argument. Our side, the other side, and somewhere in the middle, the truth."
"You don’t bounce back from something like that—if at all—without serious therapy."
"Believe me. Don’t believe me. Doesn’t change the fact that Billy Griffith was a spiteful, sneaky thug."
"I’m not saying I believe everything Coach Miller said, but he described a deeply troubled kid."
"I know they’re thinking of Flight 23, calculating the odds of two Seattle-bound flights going down in the same week."
"To hell with closure. I want someone to tell me they couldn’t find one piece, not one teeny tiny speck, of my husband on that Missouri cornfield."
"This poor guy lost two people on that plane. Apparently, there are people here who have it worse than me."
"My body finally overriding my brain, I suppose, and giving in to my exhaustion."
"He wasn’t wrong. He didn’t want me to come across a business card or receipt and wonder what was up."
"We’ve all cleared it with our work so we can get you through the first week."
"She was going to tell you about the job offer, Iris. Honestly. He wanted you to be as excited as he was."
"Honey, you cry all you want. My God, your husband just died in a plane crash. I think everybody here will agree, you get a free pass."
"No, what you’re asking is for me to dig up some old and unpleasant skeletons. Skeletons that are better left in the past."
"This was the projects. Lots of kids were troubled."
"You aren’t gullible, honey. You were deceived by the man you loved. There’s a big difference."
"The guy was a genius, but I’m sure you already know that."
"Tell me where Will hid the money or you’ll be joining him."
"They’ll have to cut my finger off to get it."
"It’s like pulling off a Band-Aid. Just say it really fast and get it over with. It’s less painful that way."
"The problem is, I know Dave, and I know if I tell him about the death threat, he’ll glue himself to my side and never leave."
"Stop searching, Iris. Leave it alone. I can’t protect you if you don’t."
"You don’t send a threat that specific and then just fade away into silence."
"I’ll starve before I sell the dream house Will and I bought together."
"I’m so unbelievably furious at him, Evan. I really don’t know what to do with myself."
"Love is love. And how will you know if his reasons are forgivable or not if you refuse to look at your phone?"
"You weren’t supposed to come looking for me. You weren’t supposed to ever find out the truth."
"I never lied about my feelings for you. Never. That part is 100 percent true."
"If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my job, it’s to keep digging until you have the full picture."
"Love and sacrifice. Honesty. Trust. We see what we want to see."
"I’m the one who came up with the plan. Will only executed it."
"I can see what Will sees in you. Beyond the obvious, I mean. You’re smart and you’re funny, and you’ve got this thing about you."
"I knew and I didn’t try to stop him. I didn’t go around beating on doors, either, warning people to get out."
"Any man who’d wake up their kid in the middle of the night just to give him a busted lip doesn’t deserve a penny of your money."
"He knew you were mine and how much you meant to me."
"First, when he stole from AppSec, then again, when he squeezed the trigger."
"I did think he was good. I thought he was worthy."
"It’s how I knew he was losing it. It’s why I came back."
"For fifty thousand bucks he’d give me a new identity, make me disappear."
"People will do pretty much anything for money."
"You preach about nature and nurture and those poor little rich kids you work for."
"I wanted you to have honorable, happy memories of the man you fell in love with."
"This story is about justice. What she did to me may not be a crime, officially, but it was still wrong."