
By The Light Of The Moon Quotes

By The Light Of The Moon by Dean Koontz

By The Light Of The Moon Quotes
"The expired day lay buried in the earth, in the asphalt."
"Contemporary culture fit Dylan O’Conner only about as well as a three-fingered glove."
"If he didn’t mellow out, he would sour into a world-class curmudgeon by the age of thirty-five."
"The vastness above appeared clean and full of promise, but the world at ground level looked dusty, weary."
"As attractive as you are, I’m sure someone’ll look after you."
"Your only hope is to get out of the search area before you’re detained and forced to have a blood test."
"She had fully understood the need to compensate for the root-beer indulgence with a dry-toast breakfast."
"The smiley, peanut-eating, needle-poking, car-stealing bastard, that’s what bastard."
"Traveling at a reckless speed, three SUVs descended the arc of an exit ramp."
"Without even a token application of brakes, the first Suburban exploded past the stop sign."
"The world was a place of deep design as surely as were his own paintings."
"I’m an artist. They aren’t mutually exclusive."
"I’m not a serial killer, a rapist, a kidnapper, bank robber, mugger, pickpocket, cat burglar, embezzler, counterfeiter, shoplifter, or jaywalker!"
"That’s exactly what a serial killer would say."
"You’re a heckler. Anything’s fair with hecklers. Hecklers are lower than worms."
"I’d be grateful if you wouldn’t use crude language around me."
"Though a sense of urgency continued to plague him undiminished, Dylan stood motionless beside the car."
"He didn’t belong here. He felt as if he were a lurking thief."
"From the moment he had succumbed to the urgent need to drive west, his fear had been sharp."
"He thought of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the inner beast released and sent roaming."
"He didn’t know what to do, and then he did: He touched the handle on the driver’s door of the Buick."
"This episode proved to be briefer than the first, and when he attempted to quell the stutter, he at once fell silent."
"Dylan O’Conner crossed a threshold that was not his to cross, entered uninvited."
"The plump, white-haired woman in the kitchen wore a candy-striped uniform."
"The woman didn’t hear Dylan enter, didn’t glimpse the movement of the door from the corner of her eye."
"He saw her alive, dead, alive, dead, and the faint cold fear that thrilled through his veins thickened into terror."
"Any legitimate law-enforcement agency or any gifted hacker with dirty money behind him, monitoring that center either with a court order or secretly, might be running software that could track selected individuals immediately upon the execution of a credit-card purchase."
"This suggested that unlike fingerprints, psychic spoor faded completely away with time."
"In any public restroom, Shepherd became so uncomfortable that he needed to be in continuous voice contact with his brother, to assure himself that he hadn’t been abandoned."
"Shep’s spoken pee served a purpose similar to that of a signal broadcast by submarine sonar apparatus."
"The senior citizen’s psychic spoor remained as strong as it had been previously."
"Shep had a special concern about the sanitary conditions in public lavatories."
"Shep’s outer tranquillity became complete, his inner weather remained troubled."
"Dylan regarded the bank of toilet stalls. The door of the fourth stood open, as he had left it after he’d checked on the nature of the partitions."
"No one would ever accuse Holbrook, Arizona, of being a noisy hub of commerce."
"Nanotechnology—very tiny machines, so tiny as to be invisible to the naked eye."
"Psychotropic nanomachines might be injected into the human body."
"He poured out further effusive apologies to Shepherd."
"I don’t understand the mechanics of what you’ve done."
"You can’t make life come together like a puzzle, and yet you get up every morning, and you try."
"Shepherd shifted his weight from left foot to right, right foot to left."
"His green eyes appeared as deep as oceans and seemed to be lit from within."
"Shep doesn’t eat a narrow little list of crap like you said, a narrow little list of crap."
"Honey, you have to be as brave as I know you can be. You have to not worry about bad guys, not worry about gooey-bloody, just do what needs to be done."
"Actually, folding in public isn’t quite like peeing in public, sweetie. It’s more like spitting in public. It’s still not something that polite people do."
"We can go, but we can’t leave something. If we don’t have everything we brought, he’s not able to fold us out of the past."
"We can see but not be seen. We can hear sounds, but we can’t be heard."
"You’re not alone. Never alone. Dylan will always take care of you."
"By the time I rigged the hose from the exhaust pipe, Jack was so deeply asleep that he never knew he was dying."
"I’ve got bags and bags of ice up here, sweetie."
"Plenty of ice up here, Shep. Come on up here with me."
"Unable to get the image of the dead moths out of her head, and growing desperate, Jilly gave up on the idea of coaxing Shep to the attic."
"Far down in the house, on the ground floor, someone kicked in a door."
"Just when she suspected that Shepherd was about to respond to her, Jilly exhausted her supply of synonyms for ice."
"All this talk of ice made the attic hotter, hotter."
"Shepherd had raised his bowed head. He stared at the section of the ladder rung exposed between his clenched hands."
"She wondered when the cops would come. If they would come."
"In lower realms the wrecking crew crashed into another room."
"She took a long, luxurious shower, and with the lazy self-absorption of a cat, she found bliss in grooming and prettifying herself."
"The warm style and the coziness of the house distracted most visitors from clearly perceiving its true immensity."
"The time for talking had both passed and not yet arrived."
"You just play dumb. Be nice as pie with them, pretend to be worried sick about me, but don’t give them a clue."
"The stars lie far away. The moon is nearer than Mars but still distant."
"The more things change, the more they remain the same."
"The only two absolute necessities were food and illusions."
"Even in the humblest of service rooms—the scullery, the ground-floor laundry—beveling had been specified."
"Most seemed to be obsessed with developing a dramatic persona, colorful crimescene signatures, and ingenious taunts."