
My Murder Quotes

My Murder by Katie Williams

My Murder Quotes
"Surely after all the washing that went on inside it, the poor thing might hope to be left clean."
"I’d become aware of my own body in a way I’d never been before, not even when I’d been pregnant."
"I wanted to do every last inch of every last thing."
"I had two birthdays now, the one and the other."
"That’s the thing about having a baby: they are a part of you that is outside of you."
"People were inscrutable and life was chaos; if I knew anything, I knew that."
"Besides, I didn’t need the Luminols. I had plans of my own."
"It’s not nice to say this, but some people’s pleasure is annoying to behold, and for me, Angela was one of those."
"Rather, people were no good, so messy and inconsiderate and unable to follow simple rules."
"But now Angela had found a new gig, something better."
"It’s a thrilling venture" that would "push boundaries" and use her "complete skill set."
"Either that or she’s becoming a pharmaceutical rep."
"I don’t need to tell you how many women’s friendships are built upon this firm foundation."
"I guess I did open it? I held up the evidence. "I’m sorry. I was curious."
"Why me? Is that such a crazy thing to want to ask the man who killed you?"
"I wasn’t going to ask you why you wanted to see him," I said.
"I want him to see me. And this time, I won’t be afraid."
"But really, aren’t there so many of those—the things you should’ve said but didn’t?"
"Silently, I asked him to forgive me."
"What I do know is that I saw many shoes and no faces."
"After about an hour, our names were called, and Fern muttered, 'I’ve waited longer for less.'"
"Things just happen and then they’re happening."
"One reporter talked about how she had to keep herself from reaching out and cradling his cheek, even knowing how he’d dissolved all those people in acid."
"The news stories all liked to talk about Early’s blushing, which he did frequently and furiously."
"Edward Early was no longer at risk for committing violence, we were assured."
"Somehow, it felt like nothing much at all. I felt like I was far away."
"I’m all right, I suppose, as far as things go. Yes, I’m all right."
"You were right. You don’t remember, he said, as if he’d just remembered that we didn’t."
"I can see it now. I see how flawed, no, I can feel..."
"I would never in a million years have guessed her as the mother of sharp, tart Lacey."
"Who doesn’t like lemon bars? You’d have to be a psychopath."
"We have clawed you back from the abyss. Fuck that Edward Early."
"It was like reaching up to the highest shelf, taking down a great glass serving bowl, and turning around with it clasped carefully between your hands."
"I bid her farewell. She’d been there when I needed her, and I was grateful."
"What kind of mother does that? But it was okay, I soothed myself. It was okay."
"I'd keep going. I'd go to Odd. I could trust him, if not to believe me, then to listen."
"The wickedest calligraphy appeared on the paper inside, fecund loops and slashed serifs."
"It was already too late. The Edward was coming up on me, running full tilt."
"I didn’t know about you when I did what I did. I want you to know that."
"We were there, the three of us, these two people and me."
"They’d brought us back, but that didn’t mean they could control us."