
The Queen Of Zombie Hearts Quotes

The Queen Of Zombie Hearts by Gena Showalter

The Queen Of Zombie Hearts Quotes
"Most people were surprised by our sudden friendship, but I’d learned life could change in the blink of an eye."
"I’m addicted to Cole’s hands…and his mouth…and oh, Ali-want, his nipple ring. Withdrawals stink!"
"We were soldiers in a war, and we were fighting for the same side. A bond had formed."
"Everything we felt always found a way to manifest outwardly. Smiles, frowns. Laugh lines. Scowl lines."
"I’d decided to get two new tattoos myself, so…why not drive over there now?"
"I kissed her cheek and raced to Mackenzie’s side."
"The only guy I had any interest in never spoke a word to me."
"Every slayer in the war against Z’s had lost loved ones to bites and battle wounds."
"I laughed. 'All’s I’m saying is that I’m ready for tonight…no matter what happens.'"
"I abandoned the warmth of the car for the frigid chill of the night, my boots crunching in ice as I raced toward the spacious one-story with red brick and white wood trim."
"As soon as he’d promised. I scrambled inside as quietly as possible and closed the glass behind me."
"His breath hitched. That was it, his only reaction. Even still, I knew his pain was off the charts."
"I’m telling you, I had to be surrounded by angels tonight. There’s no other explanation for my survival."
"I couldn’t allow myself to grieve. Not now. Later, though…"
"With nowhere to go, we’ll never reach a destination."
"I could do this. I will do this. Now. Now! Now!"
"You’re safe now. I’m not going to let anything happen to you."
"You have to be prepared for pop quizzes, because they can come from anywhere or anyone."
"Life is a giant classroom and every day is an opportunity to learn something new."
"What happened last night was only the beginning."
"Sometimes what we wanted wasn’t what we needed."
"Every day is an opportunity to learn something new."
"Sometimes, my determination wavered—and it usually revolved around one person."
"Footsteps echoed…slowing the closer they got to the Dumpster."
"I’ve never been described that way, but I approve."
"You’re the he-beast?" she asked. "The one and only."
"On your knees," I demanded. "Put your hands behind your head."
"You’re playing with fire, and you have no idea."
"Wrong," I replied. "I love doing this. It’s fun."
"But you," she continued, looking Cole over. "You’re a big slice of sexy, aren’t you?"
"I’d stop if I were you. My trigger finger is developing a twitch."
"Trust me, kiddies," Stocky said. "You don’t want to do this."
"I could have her if I wanted her," River said, "but I don’t, so this argument is pointless."
"All right, everyone. Get-to-know-you time is over. What’s next?"
"Let’s get back and make sure our boys haven’t killed each other."
"You should have given me a heads-up," Cole said.
"We’re heading out in twenty minutes. Be ready or be left behind."
"I hear UR w/other slayers. Catching butterflies?"
"I’m going to go now, Mr. Holland," I said softly.
"We’ve got visitors. More Z’s than we’ve ever fought before."
"The more energy I used, the more useless I’d be afterward?"
"Strong arms were banded around me, a heartbeat racing beneath my ear."
""Her spirit isn’t bonding with her body," Cole said, clearly dismayed."
"With one touch, a spirit always returned to its shell. Its home."
"I heard Jaclyn. "—says there’s a guy out there, south side of property, and he’s not a zombie.""
""Let’s find out," Cole said, ice-cold with determination."
""At least my balls are bigger than yours," she sneered, shocking me."
""Children, please." Bronx clapped his hands. "Your verbal foreplay isn’t fun for the rest of us.""
""You survived! As if there was any doubt. Butterflies don’t stand a chance against the Ali-nator."
""You’re the one and only Alice, perfect in every way.""
""You keep promising me a spanking and not delivering," I said."
""I think me and the camera just made a baby.""
""You’re about to threaten it, aren’t you?" He sighed."
""I’m sure Bronx would love to hear you’ve contemplated putting your hands on my junk," he said."
""You, who abhor lies, don’t want to admit you’ve been trapped in one all your life?""
""You’re only my half sister," I said softly."
""If you don’t shut up, I’ll help you swallow your own teeth.""
""I don’t have to do anything. I don’t even have to like you. Proof—I never fantasize about doing you, and I fantasize about doing everyone."
""You’ll never know how sorry I am." Helen’s chin lifted again."
""I’m sorry, Ali, dear, but it was your parents’ decision to make."
""I’ve decided girls are like diseases. You happen to be Ebola."
""Because you’re mine. Not just now but always."
""You, my honest one, know the value of a promise."
""You’re at your mercy no matter what position I’m in."
""Well, it’s better than monkey butt, isn’t it?""
"We found out what Hodad means... Hands of death and destruction."
"But it's not okay. Not now, not later. And don't even think about arguing. I lead the slayers. Hence, I lead you."
"The only reason I'm not knocking you to your knees and making you beg for mercy right now is because I know you're speaking from a place of deep concern for me."
"You're either my boyfriend or my boss. You can't be both. Pick one."
"You would have put yourself in harm's way for nothing."
"Of course I love you. And you believe me, because you trust me to always be honest with you."
"I did it for you. You remember how, a year ago, they were closing in, and you were a major target."
"You can't have it. Not in this. I will always give you what you need, even if it's not what you want."
"I'm sorry. I'm miserable without you. Haven't been eating or sleeping. Just wanting."
"You did what? You're making a fool of your brother and we both know it."
"I don't need your protection, Cole. I need your support."
"I'm only trying to protect you. Helen is going to betray you, and if it doesn't get you killed, it's going to break your heart."
"I’m not sure I’d ever seen a more awesome sight."
"I’m not this guy. Only assholes use and lose, and once upon a time I would have been the guy who beat a prick like me into blood, pulp and powder."
"What I am learning: I am strong, but my strength means nothing in the face of this."
"She was acting on instinct. Zombie instinct."
"You’re the luckiest guy in the world and you don’t deserve me, but don’t worry, no one does."
"You’re a better man than I ever gave you credit for."
"It’s been stressful watching you suffer and not being able to help."
"She’s dead, and I’m the puss who couldn’t save her."
"I despise soul-eaters to the depths of my being."