
My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories Quotes

My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories by Stephanie Perkins

My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories Quotes
"Thank God. Mags should have thought of this years ago."
"If there were something out there that could kill you, wouldn’t you try to be an expert on it?"
"There’s always room for you with me, on every coffee table."
"You should see what happens when I eat shellfish."
"It’s like walking through the mall after it closes."
"Life-or-death situations bring it out in me."
"It’s not enough," he said. "I’ve never seen this dress before."
"I understood my life was meaningless, and this knowledge freed me up to accomplish absolutely anything."
"Long-distance relationships are all about patience."
"Who you talking to? You don't know shit about me!"
"It’s not like I passed out or anything. I just didn’t feel like going to the living room."
"Because I have a boyfriend. Yeah, maybe the fact that she didn’t fly home meant they were on the rocks or whatever, but still. I’d taken it too far."
"Sometimes I get worried I’ll never know where to aim it."
"You’re not putting it on your balcony, are you? I don’t want it dropping down needles onto mine."
"It’s an astronomical phenomenon. Science. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year."
"I want to be the kind of person who ate crudités and canapés."
"I’m never, ever, ever volunteering to throw a party ever again."
"I wished that the stars or Santa’s elves or Satan himself would bring me someone like Joachim."
"You created me, but once you create a thing, you can’t always control it."
"It’s hard to believe him. I knew it was only me talking."
"As the night went on, reality might grow more malleable, like taffy, until anything could happen and everything might change."
"New year, new me. I’m over it. I’m over him."
"I’m just saying… I’m good at seeing connections that could cause trouble."
"I suspect I tell myself that so I’m not sad when I don’t get noticed."
"The harder choice is love, and it’s one my dad makes every day."
"Shame leads to secrets, and secrets lead to lies, and lies ruin everything."
"If you don’t do bathroom humor, we can’t be friends."
"Rules make people feel safe. But they can turn into judgments."
"You wicked girl. You’re not at all who I imagined you’d be."
"Maybe I’m trying to change. I’ve managed a streak of good behavior before."
"If you just want to go away then any ticket will get you there."
"I’m not huge on pasta, but this smells like comfort smothered in cheese."
"You’re never going to get away with this, you know? Pretending to be Hulda."
"If you need a movie theater, Walmart, or hospital, well, then that is sixty miles that way."
"Who are you?" He covered the distance between us in three long strides. "What are you doing here? Who are you running from?"
"My parents are not looking for me. There is absolutely no one who loves me who is worried about me at this moment."
"I was born here. I’m going to live here and work here for the rest of my life."
"You’re not being very angelic," Aunt Mary said.
"He didn’t talk about Hulda. He didn’t ask me where I was from or why I was running."
"It was like when I offered Hulda my ticket; I didn’t make the decision to stand. I didn’t will myself to sing."
"You think I should refuse him, then," she said.
"You honor me, but I don’t mean to marry. My answer is no."
"I will free you, and I will lift you. I will learn a thousand ways to make you laugh."